Public Lab Wiki documentation

Pi Camera

3 | 15 | | #14571

This page collects different ways to use Raspberry Pi computer boards (and related boards) to make small, cheap, lightweight cameras for different purposes, including #aerial-mapping, #balloon-mapping, #kite-mapping, #timelapse and #spectrometry.

Raspberry Pi Simple Camera Kit

We've been working on some software for this widely used mini camera-and-computer in a tiny box (especially the lightweight "Zero W" model) to make it available with a pre-flashed SD card that turns this into a ready-to-use WiFi enabled camera. This gets over many of the barriers of using the regular Raspberry Pi kit and having to do a lot of programming/installing to get it running.

We've managed to get a plug and play version running! Just plug it in using a Micro USB cable (or battery pack) and it'll create a WiFi network called "00PiCamera" -- password "publiclab" -- which you can log into from your phone or laptop. You'll quickly see streaming video, be able to take photos, timelapses, or videos, do motion triggered capture, and more:

For more on the open source Pi Builder software that made this possible, see this blog post and troubleshoot on this wiki page


Questions can be either frequently asked questions, or "next step" challenges we're looking to solve.

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
What is an estimated cost for this project? @pdhixenbaugh over 4 years ago 3
What are easy and fast ways to get files off a Raspberry Pi? @warren over 5 years ago 3
Can't access pi camera in Spectral Workbench @lukemcpheters over 5 years ago 4
How do we improve WiFi signal to a Raspberry Pi while in the air? @warren over 5 years ago 5
Creating NDVI images with PI no ir V2 @macmuzz almost 6 years ago 4
Is a Water Proof Solar Raspberry Pi Camera project viable? @icarito over 6 years ago 9
Uploading images from raspberry pi. @cedarlodge almost 7 years ago 12
Can these filter packages be adapted to Raspberry Pi cameras? @sjmanosalvas about 7 years ago 3
Lego Spectrometer suitable for studying sunlight? @jsbonillam almost 7 years ago 12
How do I trigger a photo on a Raspberry Pi camera using a button? @warren about 7 years ago 2
How can we set up a Raspberry Pi camera as an ethernet USB device to avoid using WiFi @warren about 7 years ago 5
Can I use a Raspberry Pi with the Pi Noir camera to make NDVI images? @warren over 7 years ago 2
How do I easily set up a Raspberry Pi SD card? @warren over 7 years ago 2
Can we take photos with the Raspberry Pi Zero W and Raspberry Pi camera? @wmacfarl over 7 years ago 2
Can I upgrade a DIY spectrometer with a Raspberry Pi camera? @warren over 8 years ago 10
Getting the spectrometer to work with a Raspberry Pi? @anjohn12 almost 9 years ago 6
How do I set a custum white balance of the NoIR modulo cam? @LaPa about 9 years ago 25


Activities show how to use this project, step by step.

Purpose Category Status Author Time Difficulty Replications
Build a simple aerial photo rig for a Raspberry Pi camera - - @warren - - 0 replications: Try it »
Introducing Pi Builder - - @icarito - - 0 replications: Try it »
TetraPi: a well characterized multispectral camera - - @khufkens - - 0 replications: Try it »
Prepare an SD card for a Raspberry Pi camera from scratch - - @warren - - 1 replications: Try it »
Raspberry Pi Camera Rig - - @seankmcginnis - - 1 replications: Try it »
Setting up the Raspberry Pi Camera for Wireless Streaming - - @partsandcrafts - - 0 replications: Try it »
Set up a Raspberry Pi Camera with Pi Builder - - @warren - - 0 replications: Try it »
Building a Basic Microscope Stage - - @partsandcrafts - - 0 replications: Try it »
Raspberry Pi-in-the-sky - - @donblair - - 0 replications: Try it »
NDVI from PiNoir with a blue filter - - @carolccarvalho - - 0 replications: Try it »
How To Make Time Lapse Spectrometer - - @LightWaveResearch8000 - - 0 replications: Try it »
Image Sequencer on Raspberry PI - - @tech4gt - - 0 replications: Try it »

Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.
