
## What is it? DustDuino can help individuals with limited resources monitor PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, indoors or outdoors. It uses [Shinyei PPD42NS](http://www.sca-shinyei.com/pdf/PPD42NS.pdf), a $15USD optical sensor that uses an LED and a lens to determine the concentration of dust in a partially closed chamber that draws in air from its surroundings. The sensor data is received by an [Arduino](http://www.arduino.cc/) development board and transmitted to Xively. Prototypes of DustDuino have been successfully built and used in various indoor and outdoor locations. Also see the [Data Logging page](/w/data-logging) for more on setting up and using different dataloggers, and for more tutorials. ### Questions [questions:dustduino] **** ## Why make one? The health effects attributed to outdoor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) rank it among the risk factors with the highest health impacts in the world, [accounting for over 3.2 million premature deaths annually](http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es2025752). In October 2013, the World Health Organization [announced](http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/iarcnews/pdf/pr221_E.pdf) they consider particulate matter, a major component of indoor and outdoor air pollution, as a Group 1 carcinogen along with tobacco smoke and asbestos. ## What can the DustDuino Do? From the [Data Quality Research Note](http://publiclab.org/notes/Willie/03-06-2015/dustduino-data-quality) Test results indicate that DustDuino provides accurate and useful information, albeit of a somewhat limited scope and under certain conditions. An academic [study](http://www.atmos-meas-tech-discuss.net/7/605/2014/amtd-7-605-2014.pdf) which compared the Shenyei particulate matter sensor to costlier models used by governments, researchers, and companies found that this low-cost sensor produced results equivalent to much more expensive ones when analyzing data at hourly intervals. Testing with reference monitors conducted in [Berkeley, California in late 2013](http://www.atmos-meas-tech-discuss.net/7/605/2014/amtd-7-605-2014.pdf) concluded that the results of the low-cost sensor were about equivalent to much more expensive ones when analyzing data at hourly intervals. ”Performance at 1 [hour] integration times was comparable to commercially available optical instruments costing considerably more.” Testing in high PM2.5 environments such as the city of Xi'an, China also has shown [high correlations between the Shenyei and reference monitors](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749115000160). By setting up a variety of monitors throughout the city, researchers were able to identify the High-technology Zone site as a potential PM2.5 hotspot with sustained high concentrations compared to the city average throughout the day. There are still some unknowns with regard to the sensor - for example, whether it needs to be co-located with higher-quality instruments for calibration, and whether it could be used in extreme environments. There are also some limitations - the sensor may not produce high-quality information at time intervals shorter than an hour, ## Activities [activities:dustduino] **** ## Photos [![DustDuino.jpg](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/003/998/medium/DustDuino.jpg)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/003/998/original/DustDuino.jpg) ## Research Notes [notes:dustduino] ## DustDuino Sketches The DustDuino board enables a variety of power, connectivity, and sensor configurations each of which require custom programming to process and send data. As the name would suggest, the DustDuino can be programmed with Arduino libraries and contributors to the project have made a number of Arduino sketches already. A full list of them is available on [DustDuino.org](http://dustduino.org/) ## Scientific Journal Articles | Title | Author(s) | |-------------------------|---------------------| | A [distributed network of low-cost continuous reading sensors](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749115000160) to measure spatiotemporal variations of PM2.5 in Xi'an, China; January 13, 2015 [PDF LINK](http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0269749115000160/1-s2.0-S0269749115000160-main.pdf?_tid=9ca954e2-ae5c-11e4-9076-00000aacb35f&acdnat=1423267531_78064379fb071e29e3cf180d34d15365) | Meiling Gao, Junji Cao, Edmund Seto | [Field calibrations of a low-cost aerosol sensor at a regulatory monitoring site in California](http://atmos-meas-tech-discuss.net/7/605/2014/amtd-7-605-2014.pdf); January 27, 2014. | DM Holstius et al ## External Tutorials | Website | Overview | |-------------------------|---------------------| | [Mental Munitions](http://www.mentalmunition.com/2013/10/measure-air-pollution-in-your-home-or.html) | The original documentation blog post | | [Earth Journalism Network- Civic Science & Sensors Program](earthjournalism.net/projects/citizen-science-sensors)| A project page reviewing EJN's sensor journalism pilot project | ## News Articles | Publication | Title | |-------------------------|---------------------| | Nature | [Environmental science: Pollution patrol](http://www.nature.com/news/environmental-science-pollution-patrol-1.16654) | | Scientific American | [Dust in the Wind: How Data Visualization can Help the Environment](http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/dust-in-the-wind-how-data-visualization-can-help-the-environment/) | | Newsweek | [How Civic Science Is Changing Environmentalism](http://www.newsweek.com/2014/11/07/how-civic-science-changing-environmentalism-279777.html) |...

Author Comment Last activity Moderation
jefffalk "There are apparently some misconceptions here. As I read it, the monitor used by Apte was a commercial DustTrak not a dustduino and his research h..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
RonGeorge "Hi Willie Is the actual sensor used in the video a dustduino? I was surprised by the high sampling frequency of a low cost DIY device... The influ..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
jefffalk "Having an inexpensive mobile monitor would be wonderful. In fact, having an inexpensive stationary monitor would be wonderful. But one needs credi..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "thanks for sharing, Nick! I didn't want to give away your secret. We're looking at several situations (like particles, H2S) where controlled airfl..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
nshapiro "Hi willie! Its a great project! I haven't read the Apte documentation, but mobile sensing does create some difficulties in terms of maintaining the..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
willie "Thanks Matt. This is definitely at its onset but I wanted to share the Apte inspiration. He did a number of things to ensure that the quality of th..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "That's pretty neat. How airflow will be controlled, as I would expect a moving vehicle to increase particulate measurements as a matter of the airf..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
donblair "Hi folks! @stevie -- SORRY for the long delay in my response! It'd be great to set up a time to chat about this -- and bring in others who know m..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
eustatic "cool. i have a bunch of shinyeis and i'm working my way through learning arduino, but would this be faster? don, can you bring these to barnraisi..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stevie "Don any further development on this? Do you think a tool like this could be useful in this situation: http://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/05-23-2014/..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
stevie "Hi Willie! The next OpenHour (http://publiclab.org/wiki/openhour) is on Air Quality and Air Quality monitoring tools. Would love to hear about this..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
mathew "Thank you so much for the clarification David! I'll work that into our summaries. its been hard to get a handle on exactly what is meant by that s..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
DavidMack "@amysoyka The Powermag graphic portrays the PM fractions based on source sampling techniques used for power plant emission sampling. The source sa..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
amysoyka "Sure - the source for that image is the link in the comment above it by the way. I like super-visual. Apparently so does Stephen Hawking - who app..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
warren "Wow Amy that is a SUPER visual explanation! Want to add it (with credit and maybe a "not open licensed" notice) to the particulates page? http://pu..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "Oh & this picture is just awesome too!: " | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "This article explains in some detail about the point Matthew just made: http://www.powermag.com/blog/pm2-5-more-than-just-dust/ " | Read more » about 10 years ago
stevie "Love this project. Would you be interested in sharing the idea on an OpenHour? we have one on Air Quality scheduled for July 28th! " | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "yeah, l their comments are moderated. mine is still in the queue. " | Read more » about 10 years ago
warren "Are comments moderated there? I don't see your comment but it's a very important clarification to make. Thanks, Mathew! " | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "I just posted a comment to that article. thanks for pointing it out: @donblair-- the author doesn't seem to understand the terminology in use. Th..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
amysoyka "Hi there, I was just wondering if you ever debunked the claims by AQICN: http://aqicn.org/experiments/what-is-the-dylos-monitor-actually-measuring/..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
mathew "The Speck team indicates that airflow is a big issue. they're controlling with a fan. If I move the Speck around just a little bit the values cha..." | Read more » about 10 years ago
donblair " Ah, you didn't fail at all -- I just keep dithering about the final design, and have been hestitating to hit 'print' :) But I think this might be..." | Read more » about 10 years ago