Barnraising 2015
2015 Annual Barnraising, "Building networks across regions" November 20-22nd in Cocodrie, Louisiana!
Registration for overnight Barnraisers is closing November 9th
Sponsors of the Barnraising:
Absolute Basic Logistics
Flying in: In order to catch our shuttle out to LUMCON, you have to arrive at New Orleans airport (MSY) before 6:00pm on Thursday afternoon November 19.
Driving from New Orleans: If you are in New Orleans, and are looking to catch a ride to LUMCON, we will have a van leaving Propeller (4035 Washington Ave) at 5:00pm. This is a registration option on the form you can select. Or, if you've already registered, email stevie@publiclab.org
Back to New Orleans: Our first shuttle leaves LUMCON Sunday at 12:30 November 22. This would be enough time for anyone with flights on Sunday 3:30pm or after, read below on options to stay sunday night in New Orleans and fly back Monday AM.
If you plan on going or coming from LUMCON outside the scheduled van times, you will need to arrange your own transportation. Feel free to reach out to others on the Barnraising google group.
On this page:
- Communications
- Packing List and info on LUMCON
- Other event options
- Reading group
- Outreach tools
Registering for the 2015 annual Barnraising
- Registering and closing dates
- Event costs and discount options
Logistics and traveling options
- Event times and location
- Housing
- Childcare
- Van options
- Driving and ride-sharing
- Need to stay Sunday?
- Suggestions for staying after
- links, citations, other resources to share from sessions
- add your own!
What is a Public Lab Barnraising?
The Public Lab Barnraising is the closest thing we have to a Public Lab conference -- but with an emphasis on "doing stuff together" rather than just presenting/talking. We come together to develop tools, toolkits, supporting materials such as guides and tutorials, test the tools and develop new research directions and projects. The Annual Barnraising event is held each fall in Louisiana.
The theme of this year's event is "Building networks across regions."
As Public Lab has grown, people have turned to the community as a space to reach out to others on shared environmental concerns and ideas. Now, more than ever, we see trends on environmental issues, policies and community concerns that cross state and international borders. This year’s theme of “building networks across regions” aims to embrace our diversity in geography, and use the Barnraising as a space to create stronger, more connected communities of practice that confront environmental issues together. Additionally,
- our mature projects have developed "best practices" that we're ready to share with newly formed regions facing similar environmental issues
- strong and geographically diverse growth in the organizers group is establishing Public Lab in new regions and we're looking to form strong bonds with these newcomers
- lots of new tech development to be shared -- in fact for the first time, each initiative area will lead hands-on workshops
Dates, times and location of the Barnraising
The Barnraising will begin on Friday, November 22nd at 9:00am. Most people come in on Thursday and stay with us Thursday night at LUMCON.
Gearing up!
Communications: We will be using the Public Lab Barnraising google group for communications on the event. If you're not on this group, join on!
Packing List. Here is the suggested packing list and for information on LUMCON
Other event options
- This year we will be offering childcare for those who would like it! Please be sure to specify on your registration form
- We have a kayak trip booked for Friday, from 12:30-2. Register for this trip on the eventbrite page. Registration Limited!
- Get excited for a traditional Louisiana boil Friday evening!!! (crawfish, crab or shrimp tbd)
Reading Group For those interested in the Reading Group, there are a few suggested readings to prompt a session or good evening discussion. So far the selections that have floated to the top are:
- "A Field Guide to Bacteria" by Betsey Dexter Dyer.
- "Are we all scientific experts now?" by Harry Collins.
Join a Committee
(add your name to a committee of your choosing!)
FoodCom: Help with planing meals and making sure they get made! FoodCom members can get a 30% discount on registration.
- Dan Beavers
- Shreya Subramani
- Bronwen Densmore
- Cindy Regalado
- Ann Chen
- Scott Eustis
- Greg Austic
- Yagiz Sutch
- Laura Chipley
- Aaron Huslage
- Ames Jenkins
BabyCOM: Activities for youth and childcare for the young-ones.
- Catherine D'Ignazio
FunCom: Help with planning and initiating evening activities!
- Benjamin Sugar
- Miriam Belblidia
- Samantha Carter
- Eric Kugler
- Collin McSwiggen
- Jessica Hendricks
- Ames Jenkins
- Andres Lombana
- Matt Pendergraft
BeerCom: Help to organize any alcohol people would like for the evenings over the course of the Barnraising. Make sure we're abiding by LUMCON's alcohol policy.
- Miriam Belblidia
- Samantha Carter
- Yagiz Sutcu
- Colin McSwiggen
- Jessica Hendricks
- Matt Pendergraft
GearCom: Track down what people are planning on bringing and help to make a master list so we know what's coming!
- Pat Coyle
- Diana Di Leonardo
- Scott Eustis
Add your gear list HERE.
DocCom Help to document and record content, sessions, ideas, and media from the Barnraising. Read more and put your notes here.
- Jeff
- Liz Barry
DocCom will be introducing The Barnraiser, as well as coordinating note-taking during sessions and report backs before dinner of every day.
DotCom: Into social media? This one's for you! Help us tweet/ instagram /facebook /share out about the event!
- Bronwen Densmore
- VJ pixel
- Cindy Regalado
- Liz Barry
- Giavonni Williams
- Taylor Miller
- Morgan Maiolie
- Colin McSwiggen
Andres Lombana
hastag Barnraising2015 / @publiclab on twitter (Liz, Klie, Shannon, Stevie have creds)
- hashtag publiclab / public_lab account on instagram (Bronwen, Liz has creds)
- facebook (Klie has creds)
- dedicated Wiki page for dropping photos at end of everyday: https://publiclab.org/wiki/barnraising-2015-photos, like we did last year.
- we can upload videos to YouTube under the PublicLab account (Stevie, Liz have creds)
- DotCom should let everyone know if particular posts are really popular or go viral!
Post session ideas below!
Editing the wiki and add your session ideas below:
- Hands-on OpenAir (@bronwen, @liz, @nshapiro): build your choice of experimental indoor air filters, the BiobrothBubbler or the RhyzoRemediator
- Hands-on OpenWater (@DonBlair) build a conductivity sensor to indicate conditions such as heavy metal contamination from mining or salt contamination from fracking
- Hands-on OpenLand (@nshapiro, @mathew) learn to fly a solar balloon and finally (finally!) kick your helium habit! NB - this event will happen at dawn
- How do we do "regional growth"? (@liz)
- Collaborative tool development workflow: project maintainers, proposing changes/upgrades, release schedules, regular tool dev chats, merging proposals into new revisions (@warren)
- A webinar for folks from EPA's Community Air Monitor Training to connect with one of our air sessions. (if we do this, the EPA will advertise it for us)
- Calling all Educators, Teachers, Workshop Leaders - Share activities that you use to introduce Public Lab tools to different audiences in formal or informal learning situations. (@kanarinka)
- Grapherate: coding a lightweight interactive graphing library for live sensors: https://github.com/jywarren/grapherate (@kanarinka @warren)
- Oil Testing Kit and beta program - DIY testing of oil pollution (@jywarren @ygzstc @gretchen)
- Youth engagement + learning through citizen science and publiclab methods : share experiences working with k-12 youth. Featuring students from New Orleans high schools (@ann, @lombana, @madi, )
- Community organizing best practices: share experiences, tactics, and other tips. (@chicago, @cesar, @lombana)
Registration and Closing Dates
Each person who will be coming to the event needs to register individually. Questions? email stevie@publiclab.org
- November 9th: Registration for overnight Barnraisers will close this is for LUMCON housing purposes.
- November 17th: Registration for day trippers will close (if you don't register after this date, but still wish to join us for a day or two, that's fine, but bring your lunch!)
Event costs and discount options:
Basically, if you get yourself to the New Orleans airport, we'll cover the rest -- shuttle transport out to (and back from) the field research station LUMCON, three meals a day plus snacks, and cost of lodging -- for only $15/day! This year we are asking people to pay in advance (so we don't have to track you down at the event). However, we still recognize that not everyone can pay the suggested daily amount. So there are discount options!
- FoodCom: Anyone who registers to be on FoodCom (the committee who helps organize and run meals and snacks) will get a 30% discount. Keep in mind this comes with responsibilities at the event. (if this sounds like you, use the discount code FoodCom on your registration)
- If you require more off your registration email stevie@publiclab.org. Money should not keep you from attending this event!
Logistics and traveling options
Event times and location The Barnraising is hosted at LUMCON (Louisiana University Marine Consortium) in Cocodrie Louisiana. LUMCON is about a two hour drive from New Orleans. The Barnraising will begin Friday, November 20th at 9:00am. Most people choose to stay the Thursday night before at LUMCON. The event will conclude Sunday afternoon around 3:00 leaving time for people to travel to the airport to catch later flights.
The Organizer's Summit is hosted the day before the Barnraising for Public Lab Organizers. The summit will begin Thursday, November 19th at 9:00am. Organizers are encouraged to come into New Orleans on Wednesday the 18th and stay with us at LUMCON that evening.
Housing The event is hosted at LUMCON, a beautiful research center on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico where the land meets the water. The facilities there are dorm style, so plan on having a roommate and a bunk (2-4 people). The visitor's handbook outlines the facilities and the policies of LUMCON.
Childcare Bring the kids! This year we are organizing a childcare co-op so that parents can attend the barnraising without having to leave the babies and kids behind. We can accommodate all ages from babies to older kids. This will take a little advance planning, so if you are considering taking advantage of this, please email Catherine or someone on BABYCOM with the age/s of your kid/s and the dates you plan on attending.
Van options We will offer three van pickups on Thursday, November 19th for anyone planning on flying into MSY. The vans will leave New Orleans at 5:00pm (airport at 6:30). If you are getting in after that, you will need to make other arrangements to get down to LUMCON.
For organizers attending the Organizer's summit we will have the same van options on Wednesday, November 18th. You must be in by 6:30pm for a van ride to LUMCON.
Public Lab vans will leave LUMCON between 12:30 (only for those flying out early) and 3:00pm on Sunday. If you need to leave before that time, please arrange your own transportation. Feel free to reach out the the Public Lab Barnraising google group to look for carpooling options.
Driving and ride-sharing Driving to LUMCON? That's great! Here are directions. Be sure to mention in your registration if you can take others!
Need to stay Sunday For those flying in from out of town, we recognize Sunday evening flights can be expensive. We have limited space to put people up for Sunday night. For those of you who need to stay, there is an additional housing cost of $20 on your registration. Again this space is limited so register early! We will be able to bring you to the airport on Monday. If you are staying in New Orleans past Sunday, you will need to find other accommodations and transportation.
Suggestions for staying after For those who are sticking around to explore more of the city, here are a few suggestions of accommodations to look into:
- The Frenchmen Hotel Centrally located in the historic French Quarter.
- The Blake Hotel A bit off the beaten path, but in between the French Quarter and Uptown, two great places to check out. Nothing too fancy, but comfortable and always has pretty good prices.
- The Royal St. Charles Hotel Easy access to transportation and reasonably priced.
Other Options
- Checkout airbnb!
- India House Hostel Not in the main part of town, but right on Canal street which has an awesome streetcar you can ride downtown for (day pass for $3)
- The Atlas House Hostel in the French Quarter - could be a little rowdy!
Links, citations, other resources to share; add your own!
Audubon Climate Report of threatened birds in Lousiana... some due to loss of Spartina habitat (all data from the Christmas Bird Count- 115 years citizen science) http://climate.audubon.org/geographical-search/louisiana
PublicLab.org usage statistics pages: https://publiclab.org/stats Mailing list statistics pages: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!aboutgroup/publiclaboratory https://groups.google.com/forum/#!aboutgroup/grassrootsmapping https://groups.google.com/forum/#!aboutgroup/plots-spectrometry
Data visualization guru: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Tufte
Example of effective Annual Report as example of storytelling. Maybe something like this as home page of Public Lab: http://mailchimp.com/2013/#by-the-numbers
Bonn Agreement on Oil Appearance Code: oil sheen thickness guide by NOAA: http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/OWJA_2012.pdf
Oil-absorbent plastic cloth: http://www.newpig.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10651&catalogId=17208&langId=-1&partNumber=p_MAT403&cm_cat=PPZ1
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