
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
warren "Hi, would you mind looking through the FAQ to see if we can get some good documentation together about this additional question? If it doesn't exis..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
KIAS "Warren, I have downloaded csv file but then how will I be able to convert the RGB and wavelength values to calculate absorbance or transmittance? C..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
larsonreever "You'll need to ensure all your data has the same cross-section if you want to compare it or use this calibration for other readings. " | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "Hi nnole! If you are using the spectralworkbench when you are prompt to authorize the use of the camera (using chrome at least) you should be able ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
sanchittechnogeek "Created a spectrometer! :) here are the pics below! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
nnole "Hi sorry I was not specific. I built a small spectrophotometer that is connected to a small USB camera. My laptop has a camera as well so I don't k..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "I've recently tried with a Nikon D700 + Elmarit 35mm with good results. If you have an extra lens cap you can try making a hole and fix the spectr..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "Hi @nnole! Can you specify a little bit more your question? There are different answers depending, first of all, on the spectrometer you are using ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Well, the compensation is based on the sensitivity of the semiconductor, mostly (i believe). I think you could try to block the wavelengths that ar..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "https://github.com/publiclab/spectral-workbench.js is the core JavaScript modules which could be easier to run in isolation as well -- it's used in..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Yes, there is CSV, XML, and JSON data download for each spectrum. It's on the lower left side of the screen in a grey bar. Hope that helps! " | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "Hi sohelikh, I don't know how to create a spectral distribution graph like those you say. The Spectralworkbench can be instaled in any computer run..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
sirkubax "thx, I thought about using DSLR camera (EOS 350D) that has a bigger sensor and a better lens, it might (not sure yet) capture the spectrum better " | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "Hi! (5)You can try pointing your spectrometer to a white paper in the place of pointing it directly to the light. (6) I think that depends on the ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
soheilkh "Thanks Warren, (1) is there any specific filter that I can use to fix overcompensation of the light in your experience? maybe that will help in inc..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
sirkubax "So you were right about 1 - on firefox rear camera works... thx Rear camera capture: p 6. How to get the image/spectrum to fill the whole capture..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
liz "Hi! Thank you for helping debug, and for being an open source supporter! Seems to me like some instructions got lost in the wash, so i'll type them..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "The raw spectra these DIY devices produce are not absolute calibrated per-color, so they may be more sensitive to blue than red. You could either i..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
soheilkh "The reason I was doubted the result is that I have way more red LEDs than blue. Both colors seems (visibly to eyes) to have comparable brightness, ..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
xose "Hi bochamu can you share some links to your uploaded spectra? " | Read more » over 7 years ago
Iqbaljurist "I assume you are in optics class with Mr. Gea " | Read more » over 7 years ago
cfastie "Do you have some reason to think that the spectral output of the lamp should be different? Maybe the result you got is a good representation of wha..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "I believe this is a bug; the JavaScript console shows: application-0add8749179623a04221903b025c601c.js:57 parsing calibrate:92343#25653 applicatio..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
warren "Thanks for sharing the link. Because you're using an uploaded image, the top row of pixels is quite dark, and that's the one used as your cross-sec..." | Read more » over 7 years ago