Public Lab Research note

Assemble a DIY Papercraft Spectrometer

by abdul , warren | October 19, 2016 00:22 19 Oct 00:22 | #13577 | #13577


These instructions will guide you through the assembly process of the foldable paper spectrometer, our low-cost introductory spectrometry kit. These instructions are an activity and you can find other spectrometry related activities in our spectrometry activity grid

Update: There's an updated version of this design available at Papercraft Spectrometry Kit

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What you'll need

The Foldable Spectrometry Starter Kit comes with everything necessary to construct this, so if you bought one you can skip down to assembly; but if you'd like to build your own, you'll need:

To print this letter sized pdf; the first page has build instructions, but the second page should be printed onto sturdy black paper.

You'll also need:

  • scissors to cut out the pattern
  • a DVD
  • a narrow slit - very precise slits printed on plastic sheets are available on the Public Lab Store, but you can also make your own using two pieces of paper.


Instructions for your spectrometer can be printed or viewed on this letter-sized PDF pattern which should also come included in your kit.

You can also follow along with these instructions:

Cut out along the outer edge if not already cut out.

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

Fold as indicated by the lines. Thinly dotted lines are folded down, dashed lines folded up.

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

Glue or tape together. Start with the top flap and make sure the edges are aligned.

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

Except for the Diffraction grating on door, glue or tape all flaps down to the outside.

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

To make a diffraction grating from a DVD-R, peel back the reflective layer, and cut a small square out of the transparent layer. See also: Preparing a DVD-R to act as a diffraction grating for more information on the optional removal of the residual aluminium and dye layers.

peeling DVD

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

Tape or glue down the DVD-R diffraction grating to the inside of the spectrometer so that the diffraction grating is vertical, producing a horizontal spectral rainbow. Then glue the door closed.

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

Attach The spectrometer to a webcam with the aid of a box, to a phone, or to a computer.

mini fold-up spectrometer assembly

Illustrated Assembly Guide

Cut out along the outer edge if not already cut out.

mini-spectrometer assembly

Fold as indicated by the lines. Thinly dotted lines are folded down, dashed lines folded up.

mini-spectrometer assembly

Except for the Diffraction grating on door, glue or tape all flaps down to the outside.

mini-spectrometer assembly

To make a diffraction grating from a DVD-R, cu a square from the outer edge. The DVD has is two layers of plastic. Peel back the reflective layer, and cut a small square out of the transparent layer.

mini-spectrometer assembly

Tape or glue down the DVD-R diffraction grating to the inside of the spectrometer so that the diffraction grating is vertical, producing a horizontal spectral rainbow. Then glue the door closed.

mini-spectrometer assembly

Attach The spectrometer to a webcam with the aid of a box, to a phone, or to a computer.

mini-spectrometer assembly

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People who did this (3)


Created a spectrometer! :) here are the pics below!








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That's so awesome, @sanchittechnogeek -- did it go smoothly for you? any trouble, or improvements you made?

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