
##Press## **2020** Science for the People: [For a People-Centered Science: A Call to Action](, Shannon Dosemagen, Volume 22, Number 2, Envisioning and Enacting the Science We Need American Scientist: [How Climate Science Could Lead to Action: Institutional context and history have led to top-down knowledge dissemination. Would infrastructure for public engagement help science lead to mobilization?](, Samantha Jo Fried, Jan-Feb. 2020, VOLUME 108, Number 1 Page 34. **2019** KidsLab podcast: [The Public Lab Community Microscope Kit](, Sven Haiges, Dec. 30, 2019 MAKE: Magazine: [Community Science](, Shannon Dosemagen, 10, 2019 Let's Break Good podcast: [Episode 11, Do It Yourself Environmental Justice](, Joe Agoada, Jun. 15, 2019 Google Open Source blog: [Software Community Growth Through “first-timers-only” Issues](, Gaurav Sachdeva, Jun. 5, 2019 WDSU New Orleans: [4th Graders Launch Weather Balloon to Photo-Document Traffic-Related Pollutants Along Claiborne Corridor](, WDSU Digital Team, May 13, 2019 **2018** The Nation: [Meet the Community Scientists Shaping the New Environmental Resistance](, Emmalina Glinskis, Jul. 19, 2018 TechCrunch: [How Citizen Science and open-source tech can create change](, Ellie Anzilotti, Mar. 14, 2018 Red Hat Open Source Stories: [The Science of Collective Discovery](, May 9, 2018 Rosco Spectrum: [Rosco Filter Helps Students Observe Earth's Vegetation - From Space!](, Tatiana Massano, Mar. 23, 2018 **2017** The Economist: [Do-It-Yourself Science is Taking Off](, Ananyo Bhattacharya, Dec. 19, 2017 Discover: [Science's Next Frontier? It's Civic Engagement](, Louise Lief, Nov. 13, 2017 The Progressive: [Communities Take the Lead in Battling Frac Sand Mines](, Erik Ness, May 23, 2017 The Crowd & The Cloud: [Even Big Data Starts Small]( Public Lab appears in episode 1 around the 42-minute mark. Yes! Magazine: [6 ways citizens across the U.S. are using science to build a better world](, Shannon Stoll, Feb. 28, 2017 Vice / Motherboard: [If Trump Dismantles the EPA, Use These Kits to Monitor the Environment](, Brendan Seibel, Jan. 12, 2017 **2016** Landscape Architecture Magazine: Open Invitation: When DIY culture, open-source tech and citizen science converge, communities get a boost towards environmental justice, Jennifer Ruet, Oct. 2016 print edition Guernica: [Healing the Gulf with Buckets and Balloons](, Anya Groner, Sept. 8, 2016 The Guardian: [Can the open hardware revolution help to democratise technology?](, Adrian Smith and Mariano Fressoli, Sept. 7, 2016 Creative Commons: [Collaboratively Generating More Knowledge: Public Lab's approach to citizen science](, Jennie Rose Halperin, Sept. 7, 2016 Washington Post: [How to find a flying squirrel: Citizen scientists are enlisted to help scientists](, John Blodgett, Mar. 22, 2016 Nature: [Open hardware pioneers push for lowcost lab kit](, Elizabeth Gibney, Mar. 8, 2016 Significance Magazine: [Citizen science and statistics: playing a part](, Robert Bain, Feb. 2016 MAKE Magazine: Digital version: [Public Lab Puts Eco Justice in the Hands of Citizen Scientists](, Benjamin Preston, Feb. 9, 2016 Print version: Grime Fighters: A network of DIY environmentalists is helping monitor cleanups and busting polluters. Benjamin Preston Feb/Mar. 2016, p. 16-19 Kickstarter: [The First 100,000 Funded Kickstarter Projects in 100 Numbers](, Kickstarter staff, Feb. 9, 2016 Atlas Obscura: [Finding Brooklyn's Ghost Streams, with old maps and new technology](, Sarah Laskow, Jan. 8, 2016 **2015** Boston Globe: [Handmade boats bring citizen science to the Mystic River](, Elizabeth Preston, Sept. 16, 2015 FastCompany: [Water, Water Everywhere- and how New Orleans deals with it](, Steven Melendez, Sept. 2015 Segment on Swedish radio show Sveriges Radio: [Medborgare blir miljöforskare](, Marcus Hansson, Sept. 14, 2015 Hechinger Report: [Ecohackers: These kids track pollution with balloons and kites](, Chris Berdik, Jul. 22, 2015 Al Jazeera: [Busting corporate polluters with DIY tools](, Dan Boaden, Apr. 20, 2015 Al Jazeera: [Armed with tech gadgets, civilians fight eco-crime](, Dan Boaden, Apr. 20, 2015 Al Jazeera Earthrise: [Crowdsourcing Data to Tackle Pollution](, Apr. 19, 2015 BBC: [DIY camera project measures plant health](, Spencer Kelly, Apr. 10, 2015 BBC Click: [Click grows food with gadgets on its smart allotment](, Stephen Beckett, Apr. 6, 2015. Huffington Post: [Here's how a group of activists is using balloons to keep tabs on the environment](, Joseph Erbentraut, Mar. 24, 2015 Huffington Post: [How One Community Is Kicking The Koch Brothers' Harmful Black Dust Out Of Their Neighborhood](, Joseph Erbentraut, Feb. 27, 2015 **2014** Cape Cod Times: [The real benefits of crowdsourcing science](, Teresa Martin, Nov. 18, 2014 Make: [Engadget Expand: Open Source Spectrometers](, Caleb Kraft, Nov. 8, 2014 Engadget: [60 seconds with the kit that makes everyone their own 'mini EPA'](, Terrence O'Brien, Nov. 8, 2014 Newsweek: [How civic science is changing environmentalism](, Kendra Pierre-Louis, Oct. 26, 2014 Vice: [The hunt for Brookly's hidden creeks](, Ben Richmond, Aug. 29, 2014 New York Times: [Forensic hydrology at the Gowanus Canal](, Keith Williamsaug, Aug. 29, 2014 TechPresident: [Public Lab builds environmental monitoring community, online and off](, Sam Roudman, Aug. 19, 2014 [New Orleans community groups, water board, get $338,000 in EPA water quality grants](, Jul. 17, 2014 New Hampshire Public Radio: [Tech, Environmentalism and Agriculture converge for iFarm](, Michael Samuels, May 2014 (Queens) Times Ledger: [Boaters battle Flushing Bay pollution](, Alex Robinson, May 22, 2014 Forbes: [Grassroots Water Monitoring and Open Data: a fruitful combination](, Federico Guerrini, May 12, 2014 CBC Radio, _Spark_: [Public Lab](, Nora Young, May 18, 2014 Wired: [Public Lab Infragram featured in the Apr. 2014 print version of Wired]( PLOS: [The RIFFLE effect: Public Lab's new pilot water monitoring sensor tool](, Lily Bui, Feb. 7, 2014 Fast Company: [How the BP oil spill launched a movement to investigate pollution with DIY tools](, Sydney Brownstone, Feb. 6, 2014 SciStarter: [Homebrew Sensing Project: DIY Environmental Monitoring](, Ashley Rose Kelly, Feb. 5, 2014 Fast Company: [7 Brilliant Ideas to Make Health More Useful](, Jan. 15, 2014 Government Technology: [Knight Foundation awards $2.2 Million for Healthcare Tech Projects](, Jan. 14, 2014 **2013** Ars Technica: [The Kite Man Cometh: Ars does DIY open-source aerial surveillance](, Dec. 18, 2013 Discover Magazine: [100 Top Science Stories of 2013: #76 Science for the People, by the People](, Dec. 16, 2013 Exposing the Invisible (film): [From my point of view](, Dec. 2013 Citizens of Science (podcast): [What does open science mean to you?](, Nov. 2013 Raspberry Pi blog: [What's that blue thing doing here?](, Oct. 29, 2013 Popular Science Online: [How To Turn Your Camera Into A Photosynthesis Detector](, Sarah Jacoby, Oct. 16, 2013 Popular Science: Veggie Vision: Hack a Digital Camera into a Photosynthesis Detector, Sarah Jacoby, Sept. 2013 print edition. MakeZine: [Explore Grassroots Science at Maker Faire New York](, Matt Richardson, Sept. 15, 2013 MedCity News: [Want a DIY spectrometer? Visit the Public Lab's open source scientists at NYC Maker Faire](, Veronica Combs, Sept. 17, 2013 Directions Magazine: [Open Data and the Next Evolution in Citizen Science](, Melissa Jun Rowley, Sept. 12, 2013 Fast Company: [Teenager's are mapping Brazil's Slumn... with Kites](, Neal Ungerleider, Sept. 11, 2013 Note: Although not attributed to Public Lab, this project is a direct reference to a program that UNICEF and Public Lab partnered on in 2011. BBC: [Tomorrow's Cities: Rio de Janiero's Bid to Become a Smart City](, Jane Wakefield, Sept. 8, 2013. _Note: Although not attributed to Public Lab, this project is a direct reference to a program that UNICEF and Public Lab partnered on in 2011._ Wicked Local: [A View from Above](, Frank Mand, Sept. 4, 2013 HackYourPhD: [Public Lab: Civic Science and Collaborative Research in Action!](, Aug. 26, 2013 New Yorker: [By the Numbers](, Ian Frazier, Aug. 26, 2013 (published earlier) [Open Data and the Next Evolution in Citizen Science ](, Melissa Jun Rowley, Aug. 19, 2013 MIT Technology Review: [Balloons Put a Social Spin on Aerial Surveillance](, Aviva Hope Rutkin, Jul. 31, 2013. _Also German language reprints [here]( and [here]( Los Angeles Times: [10 Notable Tech Projects Getting a Boost from Kickstarter](,0,6142936.story), Jessica Naziri, Jul. 29, 2013. Chemical Heritage Foundation: [Episode 178: In the Air](, Eileen Flemming, Jul. 23, 2013. Popular Science: [Balloon Mapping featured in the Popular Science "Big Book of Hacks"](, Jul. 21, 2013 WBUR: [Residents Challenge Pilgrim's Permit for New Nuclear Waste Site](, Jul. 10, 2013 All press for the Kickstarter [Infragram: Infrared Photography Project]( Popular Mechainics: [An Infrared Camera for the DIY Gardner](, Adam Hadhazy, Jun. 17, 2013 Inhabitat: [Infagram's Photosynthesis Camera Tells You if Your Plants are Growing Well or Under Stress](, Jon Dioffa, May 28, 2013 Mashable: [This Inexpensive Camera Measures Your Plants' Health](, Vignesh Ramachandran, May 29, 2013 New Scientist: [Cheap infrared camera lets you be an environmental spy](, Paul Marks, May 28, 2013 Knight Foundation blog: [Knight to help grantees kickstart a passionate community of supporters](, Chris Sopher, May 28, 2013 TechCrunch: [Public Lab’s Crowdfunded Infragram Cameras Let People See Plants In A Different Light](, Chris Zelazco, May 27, 2013 Modern Farmer: [Kickstarting the Modern Farm](, Tom Wolf, May 22, 2013 Trajectory [Friday's Food for Thought: DIY aerial mapping](, Lindsay Tilton, May 3, 2013 Atlantic Cities: [DIY Mapping Goes Mainstream](, Emily Badger, May 1, 2013 NextCity: [DIY Science for Civic Good](, Nancy Scola, Apr. 16, 2013 Storify: [What is Critical Citizen Science? A Dialogue: Part 1](, dan mcquillan, Mar. 27, 2013 Wired UK: [How to Make Balloon Maps](, Madhumita Venkataramanan, Mar. 22, 2013 [Analyze This: Design Contest Seeks Your Cheap, Open Source Spectrometers]( - Nathan Hurst, Mar. 7, 2013 Teach STEM Now: [Turn a School Laptop into an Inexpensive Spectrometer]( - Al Chirinian, Jan. 5, 2013 [A DIY kite to determine if your water is contaminated]( - Emily Badger, Jan. 8, 2013 * Also linked to in [Massachusetts' Biggest Kickstarter Campaigns](, Alli Knothe, Jan. 8, 2013 Kickstarter: [Best of Kickstarter 2012]( - Kickstarter, Jan. 8, 2013 **2012** Popular Mechanics: [9 Disaster-Relief Inventions]( - Laura Kiniry, Dec. 31, 2012 Popular Mechanics: [Seeing the Light]( - Adam Hadhazy, Jan. 2013 print edition Chemical and Engineering News: [Do-it-Yourself Spectrometer, Lab in the City]( - Deirdre Lockwood, Nov. 19, 2012 Homeland Security Today [Crowdsourcing Volunteers Contribute To FEMA's Sandy Response]( - Dan Verton, Nov. 09, 2012 MAKE: [Raspberry Pi in the Sky!]( - Kevin Osborn, Nov. 8, 2012 FEMA: [FEMA thanking those who adapted MapMill for Hurricane Sandy]( Oct. 7, 2012 Slashdot: [All Over but the Funding: open hardware spectrometer kit]( - MyBlueVan, Sept. 22, 2012 The Wall Street Journal: [The Apple/Google Map Wars: what comes next?]( - Tom Gara, Sept. 20, 2012 Kickstarter blog: [Case Study: Grassroots Mapping]( - Diana Kimball, Sept. 13, 2012 The Powerbase: [The State of Open Source Spectrometry]( - Tom Nardi, Sept. 5, 2012 Sunlight Foundation blog: [Filming OpenGov Champions: Liz Barry]( - Tiina Knuutila, Sept. 5, 2012 Dickinson et. al., 2012. The Current State of Citizen Science as a Tool for Ecological Research and Public Engagement. In Ecological Society of America, New York Times: [Seeking Brooklyn's Lost Mass Grave]( - Justin Burke, Aug. 25, 2012 Atlantic Cities: [The Future of Aerial Mapmaking: Cheap helium balloons]( - Emily Badger, Aug. 30, 2012 Kickstarter Blog: [Citizen Science and the Spectrometer: A Love Story]( - Cassie Marketos, Aug. 30, 2012 New York Times: [For local residents, a mission to clean up the Gowanus Canal]( - Peter Moskowitz, Jul. 16, 2012 MarthaHenson: blog: [Notes from #SXSWi: Public Lab: Mapping, DIY Activism & Civic Science #PublicLab]( - Martha Henson, May 21, 2012 CassandraDaily: [All Mapped Up]( - May 18, 2012 LifeHacker: [How to balloon map your neighborhood Google Maps style]( - Thorin Klosowski, May 17, 2012 [Geek projects: Adventures in balloon mapping]( - Sal Cangeloso, May 17, 2012 The Verge: [Occupy maps the skies over May Day protests with DIY balloon cameras]( Joshua Kopstein, May 2, 2012 Google Earth Sightseer: [New Balloon and Kite Imagery]( - featured blog for Apr. 2012 edition Engadget: [Google Earth adds balloon and kite imagery, invites you to contribute]( Donald, Melanson, Apr. 17, 2012 Clubic: [Google Earth devient participatif, cerfs-volants et ballons ? l'h?lium requis]( Audrey Oeillet, Apr. 17, 2012 Gizmodo: [Balloon and kite cameras give gorgeous Google Earth]( Molly Oswaks, Apr. 17, 2012 Google Lat Long Blog: [Balloon and kite imagery in Google Earth]( Christiaan Adams, Apr. 17, 2012 Knight Foundation Blog: [Knight News Challenge winners discuss successes, road bumps and challenges]( - Elizabeth Miller, Apr. 17, 2012 Google Maps Mania: [Mapping with Drones]( - Keith Clarke, Mar. 21, 2012 UNICEF: [In Brazil, adolescents use UNICEF's new digital mapping technology to reduce disaster risks in the favelas]( - Caparelli, et al., Mar. 19, 2012 MAKE zine blog: [Alt.SXSW: DIY Balloon and Kite Mapping]( - Adam Flaherty, Mar. 16, 2012 FSG Global Health Blog: [Responding To Health Challenges Through Grassroots Mapping]( - Carina Wendel, Mar. 7, 2012 Le Monde Science and Techno Section: [Les Sciences Citoyennes: Les profanes jouent avec les experts]( Mar. 3, 2012 New Scientist: [Thermal Flashlight 'Paints' Cold Rooms with Colour]( - Mar. 2, 2012 NPR On the Media [Drones: Coming to a Sky Near You?]( Jan. 13, 2012 **2011** Boston Globe: [Knight Foundation Merging Media, Minds and Money]( D.C. Denison, Nov. 2011 The Mobile City (also appeared on Data Driven Journalism): [How Kite Photography Can Empower Local Communities]( Martin de Waal, Oct. 2011 Creative Applications Network: [Mediated Landscapes 03: DIY Cartography (Theory)]( Greg J. Smith, Aug. 2011 Tech President: [How DIY Science is Solving Ecological Mysteries in New York City]( Nick Judd, Aug. 25, 2011 BBC Click: [How to Create Your Own Aerial Map]( Aug. 19, 2011 BBC Radio: [Laura Sheeter Talks About Aerial Photos: Did you know you could now take your own aerial pictures? Join Laura on an aerial view of New Orleans]( Laura Sheeter, Aug. 3, 2011 Harvard Nieman Journalism Lab: [The MacGyver method: With News Challenge funding, The Public Lab is building up its civic media toolkit]( Megan Garber, Jul. 2011 Grist: [In the future, cleaning robots will sniff out air pollution]( Jess Zimmerman, Jul. 18, 2011 Technology Review: [Robot lights up at pollution]( Kristina Grifantini, Jul. 17, 2011 PBS MediaShift IdeaLab: [MIT Produces a String of Civic Media Success Stories]( - Chris Csikszentmih?lyi, Mar. 14, 2011 Good Magazine: [Grassroots Mapping: How You Can Create Aerial Cartography for Under $100, and Use It to Do Good]( - Ben Jervey, Mar. 7, 2011 LifeHacker: [Weekend Project: DIY Balloon Aerial Photography on the Cheap]( - Adam Pash, Feb. 17, 2011 Wilamette Week: [Local Designer To Build Balloons To Help Document Gulf Oil Spill]( - Ron Knox, Jun. 25, 2010 SolveClimate News: [$100 Aerial Mapping Technique Finding Multiple Uses, Grassroots Interest]( with [slideshow]( - Lisa Song, Feb. 15, 2011 Brooklyn Eagle: [D.I.Y Mapping of the Gowanus?]( - Mike Weiss, Jan. 27, 2011 OnEarth Magazine: [Mapping the Grassroots]( - Alan Burdick, Jan. 27, 2011 **2010** [CBS News]( [ABC News]( [Boston Globe]( - D.C. Denison, Sept. 05, 2010 [Associated Press]( - Barbara Ortutay, Sept. 19, 2010 []( - (Australia) - Sept. 16, 2010 [TreeHugger](, Aug. 25, 2010 [Guilty Planet]( - "Balloon on the Bayou: Grassroots Mapping in Bay Baptiste" - Jennifer L. Jacquet, Jul. 13, 2010 []( – Jun. 18, 2010 Engadget: [MIT-based Grassroots Mapping mapping the oil spill with digital camera, kites]( - Laura June, Jun. 17, 2010 [The Takeaway]( - Noel King, Jun. 15, 2010 Inhabitat: [DIY Kite Photographs the Gulf Oil Spill to Map its True Size]( - Britt Liggett, Jun. 2010 NYTimes bits blog: [Taking On the Gulf Oil Spill With Kites and Cameras](, Jun. 9, 2010 [WGBH Boston]( - Jun. 7, 2010 [WBUR Boston]( - Andrew Phelps, May 27, 2010 []( - Marcia Stepanek, Jun. 5, 2010 [Daily Kos]( - Crashing Vor, May 27, 2010 [Earth2tech]( - Katie Fehrenbacher, Jun. 5, 2010 [MIT News Office]( - David Chandler, May 17, 2010 [PBS IdeaLab blog]( - Andrew Whitacre, May 19, 2010 [CNN]( - John Sutter, May 6, 2010 [Mashable]( - Geoff Livingston, May 15, 2010 [TechPresident]( - Nancy Scola, May 27, 2010 [PopTech]( - Sloane Berrent, Jun. 1, 2010 [AOL Autos]( - Kevin Ransom, Jun. 3, 2010 [WorldChanging]( - WorldChanging Team, May 25, 2010 ##Publications## [Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap: Making open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025]( Murillo, L. F., Molloy, J., Dosemagen, S. (stewarding authors) with the GOSH community. [Gathering for Open Science Hardware 2016]( Dosemagen, S., Liboiron, M., Molloy, J. In the Journal of Open Hardware. E-ISSN: 2514-1708. [Environmental Protection Belongs to the Public: A Vision for Citizen Science at EPA ]( Co-edited by Dosemagen, S. and Parker, A. A report for the EPA from the National Advisory Council on Environmental Policy and Technology. [Mapping Grassroots: Geodata and the structure of community-led open environmental science]( Breen, J., Dosemagen, S., Warren, J., Lippincott, M. In ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, vol. 14(3). Less is More: The role of small data for governance in the 21st century. D'Ignazio, C., Warren, J., Blair, D. In 'Digital Governance'. Eds. R. Pimenta and D. Canabarro. 2014. Access here: Columbia University Tow Center for Journalism report, "Sensors and Journalism." Public Lab featured as one of the case studies and Public Lab Organizer, Lela Prashad contributed a chapter titled, "People within Pixels." PDF link: Institutions for Civic Technoscience: How Critical Making is Transforming Environmental Research, Wylie, S., Jalbert, K., Dosemagen, S., Ratto, M. Paper for Special Forum Issue on Critical Making, The Information Society 30(2). Mar. 2014. Enabling Cities v2: Enhancing creative community resilience: [Intro to Citizen Science and Mapping section, "Democratizing Environmental Research"](, Nov. 2013 "Civic, Citizen and Grassroots Science: Towards a transformative scientific research model". Dosemagen, S., M. Lippincott, L. Barry, D. Blair, J. Breen. 2013. Eds. Offenhuber, Dietmar, and Katja Schechtner. Accountability Technologies - Tools for Asking Hard Questions. Vienna, New York: Springer. "Grassroots Mapping: Creating a participatory map-making process centered on discourse" [Journal of Aesthetics and Protest: Issue 8- Grassroots Modernism]( Shannon Dosemagen, Jeff Warren, & Sara Wylie, Dec. 1, 2011 "From Grassroots Mapping to a Public Laboratory" [Citizen Science Quarterly vol. 1]( - Adam Griffith, Jeffrey Warren, & Sara Wylie, Mar. 29, 2011 "Neogeographic approach to inexpensive oil spill mapping" [Directions Magazine]( - Jeffrey Warren & Stewart Long, Sept. 1, 2010 ###Articles### "Public Lab defies wacky weather to host its barnraising" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen, Jessi Breen and Liz Barry, Oct. 23, 2013 "A summer of DIY: kite-making, aerial photography and spectrometry" [UCL ExCiteS]( - Cindy Regalado, Oct. 23, 2013 "The Promise of Small Data" [TechPresident]( - Jeff Warren, Jul. 17, 2013 "Public Laboratories: Designing and Developing tools for Do-It-Yourself Detection of Hazards" [LIMN]( - Sara Wylie, Megan McLaughlin, Josh McIlvain, Jun. 2013 "Detritivore Design: How to use trash to create scalable solutions" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Mathew Lippincott, Apr. 30, 2013 "How Public Lab Turned Kickstarter Crowdfunders into a Community" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Jeff Warren and Becki Chall, Apr. 2, 2013 "How Public Lab Creates Memorable Field trips for Students" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Adam Griffith, Mar. 15, 2013 "Public Lab's 'Spectral Challenge' Promotes Open Source Spectrometry" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen and Chris Fastie, Apr. 7, 2013 "Balloon Mapping from the Ground Up: Public Lab's field techniques" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Stewart Long, Jan. 2, 2013 "EcoHack Highlights: Sewage, Pedal Power and Cotton Candy" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Liz Barry, Dec. 19, 2012 "Public Lab Taps into Community with Annual Barnraising in Louisiana" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen, Nov. 15, 2012 "Public Lab Uses Kickstarter to Bring DIY Spectrometry to the Masses" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Jeff Warren, Sept. 13, 2012 "High altitude Balloon mapping with Public Laboratory, Hak5 1202.1"[Hak5 ]( Mathew Lippincott, Aug. 29, 2012 "Movement Based Arts Inspire Public Lab's DIY Environmental Science" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Liz Barry, Aug. 13, 2012 "How Public Lab Drafts the Public with its Open-Source Tool Development Process" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Sara Wylie, Jun, 20, 2012 "Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science" [Anthropology News]( - Christine Walley, May 2012 "Public Lab's Keys to Developing Low-Cost Science Tools" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Mathew Lippincott and Adam Griffith, May 22, 2012 "How we got here: the road to Public Lab's map projects" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Stewart Long, May 3, 2012 "First aerial maps produced by citizens featured on Google Earth and Google Maps" [Knight Foundation Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen, Apr. 18, 2012 "Public Lab's Community Created Maps Land On Google Earth" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen, Apr. 19, 2012 "Water Hackathon Aims to Understand Brooklyn's Water Pollution" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Leif Percifield, Apr. 9, 2012 "The Faces Behind Public Lab's Grassroots Research Community" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen and Sara Wylie, Mar. 12, 2012 "Why Collaborative Development Works in a Proprietary World" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Jeff Warren, Feb. 15, 2012 "How Public Lab's Thermal Flashlight Could Improve Home Insulation" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Sara Wylie, Jan. 17, 2012 "Public Lab Produces Wetlands Maps from Balloon and Kite Flights" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( Stewart Long, Jan. 4, 2012 "Public Laboratory: Don't Just Report Science, Do It!" [PBS MediaShift]( - Shannon Dosemagen, Jeff Warren and Sara Wylie, Nov. 23, 2011 "Flying High:KITE MAPPING A CHEAP WAY TO CAPTURE IMAGES FROM ABOVE"[Montana Standard]( [Video]( - Mathew Lippincott and Olivia Everett, Nov. 20, 2011 "Public Lab's 'Barnraising' Focuses on DIY Infrared Camera Development" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( Adam Griffith, Nov. 16, 2011 "Public Lab Aims for Affordable Hydrogen Sulfide Sensors" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( Sara Wylie and Shannon Dosemagen, Oct. 25, 2011 "With Public Lab, a Camera Flies in Brooklyn to Monitor Pollution" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( Liz Barry, Oct. 3, 2011 "Taking Steps Toward DIY Spectrometry, So Citizens Can Test for Pollutants" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Jeff Warren, Sept. 8, 2011 "Public Lab Helps Communities Do 'Civic Science' Investigations" [PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog]( - Shannon Dosemagen, Aug. 17, 2011 "Reimagining the Data Lifecycle" [Grassroots Mapping Forum #1]( - Jeff Warren and Shannon Dosemagen, Summer 2011 "Seed Grant Voices: Grassroots Mapping Kit" [MIT Legatum Center]( - Jeff Warren, May 27, 2010 "DIY Mappers offer remarkable images of Gulf Coast oil spill" [PBS IdeaLab blog]( - Jeff Warren, May 12, 2010 []( - Jeff Warren, Jun. 3, 2010 ##Awards## 2018: [Free Software Foundation's 2017 award for Projects of Social Benefit]( 2015: [Sustainia100 Solution]( 2014: [Social Venture Network Innovation Award Winner]( [Knight Foundation Knight News Challenge: Health]( The Public Lab [Foldable Mini-Spectrometer]( is nominated as one of the [Design Museum's]( [Designs of the Year]( 2013: [Buckminster Fuller Challenge Honorable Mention]( [NBC Universal and The Feast RevUp 2050 Challenge Finalist]( [Netexplo 100 2013]( for the Public Lab DIY Spectrometry Kit 2012: Public Lab's Grassroots Mapping project listed in Kickstarter's Best of 2012 2011: [Prix Ars Electronica Runner-Up in Digital Communities]( [Knight Foundation Knight News Challenge]( ##Presentations & Events## **May 30, 2014** - New York, NY - Shannon Dosemagen, on Columbia University Tow Center for journalism panel, "Robot Reporters: What new journalistic data gathering tools, such as drones and sensors, are on the horizon?" **May 1, 2014** - Chicago, IL - Shannon Dosemagen, Community/Campus Partnerships for Health annual conference. Participation on a panel titled, "New Frontiers for Partnerships Across Citizen Science and Community-Based Participatory Research" **Mar. 14, 2014** - New Orleans, LA - Shannon Dosemagen, Building Resilience Workshop IV. Participation on panel, "Building Creative Capital: Blending Innovative Strategies with Risk Reduction Efforts" **Feb. 26, 2014** - New Orleans, LA - Shannon Dosemagen. Tulane University Environmental Science Department talk on Public Lab. **Feb. 20-22, 2014** - London, UK - Shannon Dosemagen. Various session participation at the Citizen Science Summit including badging and online communities, environmental justice and community monitoring, and open access journals and practitioners and citizen science. **Nov. 29, 2013** - Madrid, Spain - Shannon Dosemagen. [Citizen Science Hackfest]( at MediaLab Prado. Talk on open science and volunteer sensing. **Nov. 19, 2013** - Nashville, KY - Jeff Warren. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry annual conference. "Open-source collaboration and a "big data" approach to household spectrometry" in session titled _Innovative Environment: New Tools for Addressing Issues in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry_. **Nov. 4-8, 2013** - Kigali, Rwanda - Public Lab Organizer, Don Blair, presenting the Infragram project at [ICT4Ag]( **Oct. 30, 2013** - Washington, DC - Shannon Dosemagen. Tools and Technologies for Environmental Health at the Health and Environmental Funders Network conference. **Sept. 22, 2013** - New York, NY - Eymund Diegel, Jen Hudon, Gena Wirth, Liz Barry, Shannon Dosemagen. World Maker Faire Main stage. **Sept. 2-5, 2013** - London, UK - Shannon Dosemagen and Mathew Lippincott. Aerial mapping and spectrometry workshops with Citizens Without Borders and University College London Extreme Citizen Science group. **Aug. 27, 2013** - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Shannon Dosemagen. Hacks/Hackers BA **Aug. 11, 2013** - New York City - Will Ward. Maker Talks at The Makery Pop-up Maker Space **Jul. 12, 2013** - Paris, France - Shannon Dosemagen. [NightScience]( **Jun. 29, 2013** - Kansas City - Shannon Dosemagen. [MakerFaire KC]( **Jun. 9, 2013** San Fransico - Liz Barry. [State of the Map US]( **Jun. 1, 2013** New York City - Liz Barry. Columbia Journalism School Tow Center [Sensor Journalism Conference]( **May 18, 2013** - Davis, California - Stewart Long [Tedx]( **May 14, 2013** - New York - Eymund Diegel and Sean McGinnis. [GEO NYC]( "Mapping in the Field: On site and in person" **May 4-5, 2013** - Jessi Breen, Shannon Dosemagen, Liz Barry. [Transparency Camp]( 1 - Open hardware: sensors, privacy and civic data; 2 - What citizen science can teach open government. **Apr. 6, 2013** - New York - Liz Barry. [iLAND Symposium]( Embodied research. **Apr. 4, 2013** - New York, NY - Liz Barry. [NY Tech Incubator Citizen Science Panel]( How is data visualization and citizen science driving new technologies and improving life on Earth? _With CartoDB and Foursquare_ **Mar. 29, 2013** - Jersey City, NJ - Shannon Dosemagen. Advance Publications. Grassroots Science and Civic Media Collaborations **Feb. 28, 2013** - Washington, D.C. - Liz Barry. [FedGeo Day]( Visions for improving federal geodata, AKA, "gov can dish it, but can they take it?" **Nov. 16, 2012** - Baltimore, MD - Liz Barry. [University of Baltimore, Maryland Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education Seminar Series]( **Nov. 11, 2012** - London, UK - Shannon Dosemagen. [Science Online London]( Public Participation in Research. **Nov. 9, 2012** New York, NY - Liz Barry. EcoHackIII [aerial microbes]( **Oct. 19, 2012** - Copenhagen, Denmark- Sara Wylie and Shannon Dosemagen, [Society for the Social Study of Science](, Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science: Open-source development of tools for grassroots science **Oct. 16, 2012** - Copenhagen, Denmark-Sara Wylie [Digital STS Workshop]( **Oct. 13, 2012** - Portland, Oregon - Mathew Lippincott and Liz Barry. [State Of The Map US]( **Sept. 28, 2012** - New York, NY - Liz Barry and Shannon Dosemagen. [Open Hardware Summit "Supporting Community Advocacy"]( **Sept. 22, 2012** - New York, NY - Liz Barry. Informal Waste Sector Conference, Communities: Big Data and Mobile Governance Panel. "Big Participation: Public Laboratory and OpenStreetMap" **Sept. 20, 2012** - Lexington, KY- Shannon Dosemagen, Department of Geography. **Sept. 1, 2012** - Linz, Austria- Jeff Warren. ARS Electronica Festival 2012. [The Big Picture: Concepts for a New World]( **Aug. 5, 2012** - Portland, OR- Shannon Dosemagen and Mathew Lippincott. Public Participation in Scientific Research [conference poster]( **Jul. 3, 2012** - Cape Town, South Africa- Shannon Dosemagen. Understanding Risk Forum: Mapping Global Risk: [Applications of crowdsourcing for development and disaster response]( **Jun. 27, 2012** - Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Jeffrey Warren. "[Citizen Science: for whom?](" [Citizen Science on the Move (conference)](, [Waag Society]( of Utrecht. **Jun. 28, 2012** - Troy, NY- Shannon Dosemagen, Mathew Lippincott, Sara Wylie. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Triple Helix, Technoscience as Activism conference: [Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science]( **Jun. 27, 2012** - Amsterdam, Netherlands - Jeff Warren. Waag Society: [Citizen Science Presentation]( **Jun. 19, 2012** - New York, NY - Liz Barry. [EPA Region 2 Citizen Science Conference]( "Civic Science: An Open Research Model" **Jun. 13, 2012** - New York, NY - Liz Barry. Urban Design Faculty Seminar at Columbia University Graduate School for Architecture Planning and Preservation. **May 19, 2012** - Houston, TX - Shannon Dosemagen. Environmental Justice Encuentro: [Community Generated Air Column Monitoring]( **May 11, 2012** - Providence, RI - Sara Wylie. Society for Cultural Anthropology: [Practicing Cultural Critique of Science: How helium balloons and digital cameras can rival satellites]( **May 3, 2012 - Vienna, Austria - Adam Griffith (and Shannon Dosemagen and Jeff Warren) European Geosciences Union Meeting - "Complete Data Lifecycles and Citizen Science Integration via The Public Laboratory **Apr. 20, 2012** - New York, NY - Liz Barry and Shannon Dosemagen. EcoHack II: [Air Column Monitor]( **Apr. 2, 2012** - San Francisco, California - Mathew Lippincott, Stewart Long. Where 2.0, O'reilly Media: "[Grassroots Mapping Flight Demo](" **Mar. 24, 2012** - Boston, MA - Liz Barry. [Harvard Landscape Infrastructure Symposium: Citizen Cartographies]( **Mar. 11, 2012** - Austin, Texas - Shannon Dosemagen, Mathew Lippincott, Jen Hudon, Greg Foster, SXSW Interactive- Public Laboratory panel **Mar. 9, 2012** - Houston, Texas - Shannon Dosemagen and Mathew Lippincott, Tx/Rx Labs- "Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Sceince" **Mar. 9 - Apr. 19, 2012** - San Francisco, California - SOMArts - "I Am Crime, Art on the Edge of Law", **Feb. 17, 2012** - London, United Kingdom - Shannon Dosemagen and Sara Wylie, 2nd Annual Citizen Cyberscience Summit- Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science: Open-source development of tools for grassroots science **Jan. 15, 2012** - New York, NY - Liz Barry. [Energy! A New School Moment Panel]( "Spectroscopy and the Thingness of Energy" **Dec. 13, 2011** - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Liz Barry, Eye on Earth Summit. Civic Science vs. Crowdsourcing". Presenters at Innovation Forum- Liz Barry and Shannon Dosemagen **Nov. 16, 2011** - Montreal, Quebec - Shannon Dosemagen and Jeffrey Warren, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting: Panel: Prototype Paper: Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science: Open-Source Development of Tools for Grassroots Science **Nov. 4, 2011** - Cleveland, Ohio - Shannon Dosemagen, Society for Social Studies of Science: Panel: STS in Practice: Science, Engineering and STS as Partners in Social Justice and Sustainability. Paper: Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science: Environmental Justice, Citizen Science, and Participatory STS in Monitoring of Disaster Landscapes. **Oct. 26, 2011** - Mexico City - Adam Griffith, TelMexHub **Oct. 13, 2011** - New York, NY - Liz Barry. [Mobility Shifts @ The New School]( "DIY-U Civic Science: tools for learning, tools for research" **Sept. 16, 2011** - Denver, Colorado - Stewart Long, Shannon Dosemagen FOSS4G 2011: "[Beyond vectors: Adapting remote sensing research for environmental monitoring with open source hardware and software: Citizen mapping the BP oil spill with balloons and kites ](" **Sept. 15, 2011** - Amsterdam, Netherlands - "[Creating cheap open source aerial imagery and data for community efforts to cleanup a polluted neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY, USA](" ([slides]( Eymund Diegel, PICNIC 2011 **Sept. 15, 2011** - Denver, Colorado - Jeff Warren, Adam Griffith, FOSS4G 2011: "[Crowdsourcing Aerial Image Mapping with and](" **Sept. 11, 2011** - Denver, Colorado - Shannon Dosemagen, Jeff Warren, State of the Map 2011 - "[Developing an Ethics of Data Openness and Community Participation](" **Sept. 8, 2011** - Boulder, Colorado - Jeff Warren, Mapping Democratization Conference, CU Boulder - "Situating activist mapping technology" **Sept. 3, 2011** - Mexico City - Adam Griffith and Stewart Long - Arquitectos Directores Responsables De Obra - "Mapping with the Public Lab" **Aug. 13, 2011** - Lima, Peru - Jeff Warren, Open Data conference **Aug. 6, 2011** - Puebla, Mexico - Adam Griffith, TelMexHub **Jun. 22, 2011** - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Shannon Dosemagen and Adam Griffith, talk and workshop at the MIT Knight conference **Jun. 6-7, 2011** - New York City - Personal Democracy Forum 2011, Jeff Warren and Liz Barry - "Open Source Aerial Imagery" **May 6-7, 2011** - Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis, Jeff Warren * Cambridge, Massachusetts - Liz Barry and Jeff Warren, [talk & workshop](/wiki/2011-harvard-gca-conference), "Community-based approaches to high-resolution multispectral imaging with balloons" & "How to make your own aerial imagery for $100" **Apr. 7, 2011** - University of Georgia Athens, Roosevelt Institute for Public Policy, Shannon Dosemagen keynote and panelist on emergency preparedness and policy response **Mar. 25, 2011** - Trade School @ the Whitney Museum of American Art * New York City: Public Laboratory will be [teaching a class](/wiki/whitney-trade-school-class) on [DIY Spectrometry](/tool/spectrometer) at the Whitney starting at 7pm. **Mar. 4, 2011** - BLUE on Tour- Auburn University, Alabama * 1:00 - 2:30pm, [Shannon Dosemagen](/people/shannon) - "Master Class: Innovations in Aerial-Mapping Technology" * **Feb. 11, 2011** - Tech@State Open Source conference * US Department of State - [Jeffrey Warren](/people/warren), "" * Subsequent unconference organized by US Dept. of State - [Liz Barry](/people/liz), [Leif Percifield](/people/lpercifield), "Citizen Science" **Jan. 22, 2011** - California Map Society * UCLA Clark Library - [Stewart Long](/people/gonzoearth) **Nov. 18, 2010** - Personal Democracy Forum Latin America * Santiago, Chile - [Jeff Warren](/people/warren) **Nov. 12, 2010** - Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science * Pittsburgh - [Jeff Warren](/people/warren) []( **Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 2010** - Geologic Society of America, Denver Annual Meeting * Denver - [Shannon Dosemagen](/people/shannon) * []( **Oct. 1-3, 2010** International Conference on Crisis Mapping * Boston - Jeff Warren - []( **Aug. 12, 2010** - Ignite Spatial * Boston, MA - Jeff Warren []( **Jun. 3-4, 2010** - Personal Democracy Forum * New York, NY - Jeff Warren **May 19, 2010** Crisis Mappers Network Webcast * GeoTime webcast - Jeff Warren - [](Mapping the Gulf Oil Spill With Balloons & Kites) ...

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Make: Magazine
about 5 years ago by joyofsoy 40 1,168 0
Creating a Media Campaign
over 7 years ago by xose 23 1,127 3
over 10 years ago by warren 2 329 0
Balloon Mapping Media


almost 12 years ago by warren 4 193 2
Social Media


almost 4 years ago by amocorro 24 796 2
almost 5 years ago by joyofsoy 230 364 0