
###work in progress This wiki page, like all wiki pages, is a work in progress. If you can help add information, add links, or clean up the organization of this wiki, then feel free to do so! If you're logged in, click the edit button above! If you haven't signed up for, it's quick and painless! ###Food Desert * problem definition/description * existing initiatives that address food deserts (there are a lot, so just sticking to what came up in this thread related to PL) * Newark Green Community Garden * Growing Power * etc * research directions * Link to Ariel's research papers * [Project outline]( * Project article: Questions on Food Deserts: [questions:food-deserts] ###Food Quality * problem definition/description * research directions * food fraud (link to Yagiz' work on olive/peanut oil spectroscopy) * nutrient density experiments Questions on Food: [questions:food] ###Food Growing Research * Infrared imagery for plant health * in cover crop monitoring (FarmHack) * in crop surveillance (FarmHack, other farms) * in community gardens evaluating/demonstrating their practices (Green Community Garden) * Multispectral analysis for plant health * [Concept for analysis]( * [MultispeQ device]( * Tracking outputs * Farming Concrete / Five Borough Farm * more here.... Activities: [activities:food] ###meta Main image [from Wikipedia Commons]( and used under [CC-BY-SA license](

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Title Image Last edited Edits Page Views Likes
Five Borough Farm: Measuring impact
over 9 years ago by mollydanielsson 3 218 0
about 6 years ago by wward1400 26 474 1
Newark, NJ
about 6 years ago by liz 12 467 0
Five Borough Farm
over 9 years ago by liz 12 715 2