Questions for Near Infrared Camera staff notes: technical notes: calibration + mapknitter & ...
Public Lab is an open community which collaboratively develops accessible, open source, Do-It-Yourself technologies for investigating local environmental health and justice issues.
1 CURRENT | gonzoearth |
January 19, 2012 00:59
| about 13 years ago
Questions for Near Infrared Camera staff notes: technical notes: calibration + mapknitter & linked image sets biggest issues accessibility: accessibility of image use by non-experts, how to & quantification going forward: use case and documentation of use case. Where and Who? - compile existing maps and purposes (see sites, below) Barnraising: Outcomes from the Barnraising aren’t clearly documented
Proposed goals for three months: Identify site for testing/improved documentation Proposed goal for six months: On site testing and analysis taking place Proposed over all goal for year: Proven test case, with documentation, calibration and guides to do that Who: Nathan Craig, Adam Griffith, Diane (Western Carolina), MicheleTobias
Question: is calibration needed for application, or is visual inspection enough to get results?
UV-guides-use cases-people NDVI-guides-use cases-people NRG-guides-use cases-people Sites:
regular meetings: ? -- to develop interpretation and conclusions Publications for this tool? Collaborative paper with LUMCON Rick Shory-- doing development on ground-based NDVI in Portland, for vineyard. make mathew follow up. Stewart also has some ideas. history/context of tool
Tool is still in development so not completely clear how applicable it will be. Tool is pretty specialized because you need to understand spectral analysis to use it--I would say this is more for an audience of interested experts or people already familiar with spectral imaging--it doesn’t have the jump right in with the rest of GRM, Interest from Wetlands researchers, archeologists, wildlife counting park managers are all interested. (this could be improved by better suggestions of use by others, like farmers, planners) Replicability
Calibration-- do we have a calibration system or plan? IDEAS: dedicated sub archive for UV images Development
Change effected
Future:2012 tool goals: Develop use cases-- Wetlands monitoring and Agricultural sites Develop software-- Automate two cameras clicking at once, matched file set handling in MapKnitter Make online documentation more legible-- illustrated guide, use cases Make more accessible materials/guides for interpretation
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0 | gonzoearth |
January 19, 2012 00:40
| about 13 years ago
Questions for Near Infrared Camera staff notes: technical notes: calibration + mapknitter & linked image sets biggest issues accessibility: accessibility of image use by non-experts, how to & quantification going forward: use case and documentation of use case. Where and Who? - compile existing maps and purposes (see sites, below) Barnraising: Outcomes from the Barnraising aren’t clearly documented
Proposed goals for three months: Identify site for testing/improved documentation Proposed goal for six months: On site testing and analysis taking place Proposed over all goal for year: Proven test case, with documentation, calibration and guides to do that Who: Nathan Craig, Adam Griffith, Diane (Western Carolina), MicheleTobias
Question: is calibration needed for application, or is visual inspection enough to get results?
UV-guides-use cases-people NDVI-guides-use cases-people NRG-guides-use cases-people Sites:
regular meetings: ? -- to develop interpretation and conclusions Publications for this tool? Collaborative paper with LUMCON Rick Shory-- doing development on ground-based NDVI in Portland, for vineyard. make mathew follow up. Stewart also has some ideas. history/context of tool
Tool is still in development so not completely clear how applicable it will be. Tool is pretty specialized because you need to understand spectral analysis to use it--I would say this is more for an audience of interested experts or people already familiar with spectral imaging--it doesn’t have the jump right in with the rest of GRM, Interest from Wetlands researchers, archeologists, wildlife counting park managers are all interested. (this could be improved by better suggestions of use by others, like farmers, planners) Replicability
Calibration-- do we have a calibration system or plan? IDEAS: dedicated sub archive for UV images Development
Change effected
Future:2012 tool goals: Develop use cases-- Wetlands monitoring and Agricultural sites Develop software-- Automate two cameras clicking at once, matched file set handling in MapKnitter Make online documentation more legible-- illustrated guide, use cases Make more accessible materials/guides for interpretation
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