
Hello and welcome the Public Lab Wisconsin page! Currently, people in this area communicate on the Public Lab Midwest google group. Join us there! Or get updates on Public Lab from this region by following the tag "[Midwest](https://publiclab.org/tag/midwest)" ### Table of Contents: * [_Issues_](https://publiclab.org/wiki/wisconsin#Issues) * [_Projects and Updates_](https://publiclab.org/wiki/wisconsin#Issues) * [_Events_](https://publiclab.org/wiki/wisconsin#Events) * [_Media_](https://publiclab.org/wiki/wisconsin#Media) * [_Groups working on the Frac Sand issue_](https://publiclab.org/wiki/wisconsin#The+Frac+Sand+Issue) **** ### Issues [The Frac Sand Issue](https://www.publiclab.org/wiki/frac-sand) Frac Sand is the material that is used in hydrologic fracturing to inject into wells that allows oil and gas to be pumped to the surface. Wisconsin currently holds 75% of the frac sand market in the entire United States ([Conservation Voters](http://conservationvoters.org/issues/frac-sand-mining/)). The practice of mining sand has plagued Wisconsin with many environmental problems! Learn more about [Frac Sand Mining on this post](https://publiclab.org/notes/mathew/10-22-2014/frac-sand-in-10-minutes). ###Project and Updates Below is a list of some of the recent projects people have worked on in this region: - [The Sand Sentinel Program](https://publiclab.org/wiki/the-sand-sentinel-program) (2019) - Using the [Simple Air Sensor](https://publiclab.org/wiki/simple-air-sensor) to demonstrate Particulate Matter Monitoring (2019) - Developing the [community microscope](https://publiclab.org/wiki/micro) to visualize particulate matter pollution (2018) [notes:wisconsin] ## Events Here are some links to events that have been hosted in Wisconsin. - [Frac Sand Mining Health Research Public Forum](https://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/04-03-2019/event-frac-sand-mining-health-research-public-forum) (April 2019) - [Frac Sand Particulate Matter Visualization Event](https://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/03-12-2018/report-particle-visualization-event) (March 2018) - [Practicing a PM hotspot survey in New Auburn](https://publiclab.org/notes/mathew/04-28-2017/practicing-a-pm-hotspot-survey-in-new-auburn-wi) (April 2017) - [Crawford County Mapping](https://www.publiclab.org/notes/stevie/08-14-2015/mapping-in-crawford-county-wi)(August 6th 2015) - [Frac Sand tools for Action](https://publiclab.org/notes/stevie/08-14-2015/frac-sand-tools-for-action-event-report-out) (August 4th, 2015) - [DustHack](https://www.publiclab.org/notes/stevie/11-10-2014/the-dusthack-report) (October 27th, 2014) - [Augusta Mapping](https://www.publiclab.org/notes/mathew/06-25-2014/off-wind-kite-flying-redstone-rigging-in-augusta-wi) (June 2014) #### Media - [Community Science Forum Publication on the Frac Sand Issue](https://publiclab.org/forum#Issue+11+Frac+Sand+(Spring+2016)) [Download the PDF »](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/016/692/original/CSF_2_digital.pdf)- The Frac Sand Sentinel* is a publication put out by Public Lab Organizer @Pat Popple about the frac sand issue. A full list of publications can be found on the Concerned Chippewa Citizen [page here.](https://wisair.wordpress.com/frac-sand-sentinel/) - Frac Sand Activists on Youtube* Check out this [youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-KKtXXaP5jn_45Bm_R3oeA/videos) with presentations from Frac Sand activists - FracTracker Videos: This [channel](https://www.youtube.com/user/FracTrackerVideos/videos) has videos of frac sand mines in different states by Ted Auch at FracTracker. #### Groups working on the Frac Sand issue *[Buffalo County Defenders](http://bcdefenders.com/)* Buffalo County residents who work to preserve their community in the fight against frac sand mining and transloading facilities. *[Citizens for Environmental Stewardship](http://www.citizensforenvironmentalstewardship.org/)* a group of citizens residing in the towns of Bridge Creek, Lincoln, Otter Creek, Drammen, Cleveland, and the cities of Augusta and Eau Claire. The group was formed by citizens concern about the onslaught of the frac sand mining industry. The vision of Citizens for Environmental Stewardship is to be an educational group who is willing to research, inform and provide assistance to the public wherever we can in order to promote good stewardship of our environment. *[Concerned Chippewa Citizen](https://wisair.wordpress.com/)* works to provide information and resources to those fighting the rapidly proliferating Frac Sand Mines and Processing Facilities. *Concerned Citizens of Bridge Creek* a group of citizens who came together in February 2012 to share their concerns regarding silica sand mining, which was starting to develop in Bridge Creek. *[Crawford Stewardship Project](http://www.crawfordstewardshipproject.org/)* works to protect the environment of Crawford County and neighboring regions from threats of polluting and extractive industries, to promote sustainable land use, environmental justice, and local control of natural resources. *[Frac Sand Frisbee](http://fracsandfrisbee.com/)* A blog about frac sand mining in the Driftless Area of the upper Midwest posting useful information, good ideas, updates on events, and background information about the fast moving frac-sand mining conversation. Geographic focus on the blog is Buffalo County, WI. *[Frac Sand Weekly](http://mn.environmentalillnessnetwork.org/page/frac-sand-news)* News and Opinions about the Minnesota and Wisconsin Frac Sand Boom, and its Environmental Health Implications. Intended to gather perspectives about a new potential environmental health risk mining, processing, railroading, barging, and trucking its way through Minnesota and Wisconsin. Part of the Environmental Illness Network Minnesota ei Network a community for Minnesotans with environmental sensitivities and the people (and organizations) that care about them. *[Hale No to Frac Sand Mining in WI](https://www.facebook.com/HaleNoToFracSandMiningInWi/)* a regional facebook site that posts updates on the fight against Frac Sand Mining. *Penokee Hills Education Project* - A project of the Mining Impact Coalition of Wisconsin, Inc.The PHEP has been formed to educate the public about the risks to the Bad River watershed and the Penokee Hills should large scale taconite mining be permitted; share relevant information about the impact of mining on our economy, health, and environment;and connect with citizen led groups locally, statewide, and nationally. *[Preserve Trempealeau County](https://www.facebook.com/PreserveTrempealeauCounty/info?tab=page_info)* Working to preserve and protect the environment and quality of life in Trempealeau County. *[Save our Knapp Hills Alliance](https://www.facebook.com/Save-Our-Knapp-Hills-Alliance-204877396273306/)* A group of concerned residents and property owners in (Frac-Sand Mining Concerns in Western Wisconsin - Knapp, Lucas, Menomonie, Stanton, Glenwood City, Downing, Boyceville area) responding to the recent upsurge in silica-sand mining and processing in our area. We are also striving to connect with other local groups researching and raising public awareness about this issue. *[Save the Hills Alliance](https://www.facebook.com/protectourhills/info?tab=page_info)* A group dedicated to protecting the natural environment and the long-term health and safety of the community by promoting the ecologically sound use of land and natural resources through public awareness, education and advocacy. *[Vally Stewarship Network](http://www.kickapoovsn.org/)* works to promote a balance between a healthy environment and strong communities in the Kickapoo Valley. *[Wisconsin Watch](http://www.wisconsinwatch.org)* a new source produced by the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism that provides insight on the frac sand issue. Their goals are to protect the vulnerable, expose wrongdoings and seek solutions. *[Wisconsin Farmer’s Union](http://www.wisconsinfarmersunion.com/)* a member-driven organization, is committed to enhancing the quality of life for family farmers, rural communities, and all people through educational opportunities, cooperative endeavors, and civic engagement. **Groups working on the Frac Sand issue in other states:** *Citizens Against Frac Sand Mining* (MN) a group of citizens in the City of Winona and in Winona County, Minnesota who are concerned about frac-sand mining and related operations in our region. *[Citizens Against Silica Mining - Save the Bluffs](https://sites.google.com/site/savethebluffs)* (MN) Silica Sand Mining in Hay Creek, Red Wing, Frontenac and Lake City Minnesota *[Land Stewardship Project](http://landstewardshipproject.org/)* (MN) on organization working to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities. *[Sand Point Times](http://www.sandpointtimes.com/)* (MN) Advocating solutions to protect Southeast Minnesota from frac-sand mining. ...

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ferian084 "residence inn breakfast hours " | Read more » over 2 years ago
amocorro " @amocorro has marked @pat as a co-author. " | Read more » over 3 years ago
stevie " @stevie has marked @pat as a co-author. " | Read more » over 3 years ago
yonte "Zula Archeological Site Eritrea travel would never be complete without visiting the archeological sites of Adulis and Zula. Zula is a small town on..." | Read more » over 3 years ago
ef_aka_ave "Nice info bro! Appreciate it! " | Read more » over 3 years ago
clippingpathbest "Clipping Path Best is a well reputed photo editing service company ,Here you can find any type of photo editing service with affordable price and a..." | Read more » over 3 years ago
amocorro "Curious about past Public Lab workshops on frac sand environmental concerns? Check out this 2019 post from @joyofsoy https://publiclab.org/notes/jo..." | Read more » over 3 years ago
festival "nice post for these articles Govt post " | Read more » over 4 years ago
rajsinghbangar " SO beautiful place... Stretching yoga Swimming Avascular Necrosis " | Read more » about 5 years ago
devilop489 " Thanks spotlight Catalogue " | Read more » about 5 years ago
gktrickhindi " i too need answer gk in hindi gk trick hindi " | Read more » over 5 years ago
stevie " Working on a draft here:: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I5p7e4Iv4QfdRcm7Bg1e3gaIpOWF_qyi651opMLiPzU/edit " | Read more » over 5 years ago
kamau19 " Thanks. I am looking at the violations that take place when the material is being transported by rail or road from the site to the processing faci..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
Shannon " Chapter 82-86 may be helpful for you to look at. 83 especially because it is at the county level. What kinds of violations are you interested in? " | Read more » over 5 years ago
Michaelbardon " I need also the answer " | Read more » over 5 years ago
Cbarnes9 "Hello everyone, sorry for the late replies; I am posting the field study results from AQMD that I was referencing. Their tests indicate that the PM..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
jeffalk "@cfastie is certainly correct in his comments that each of the purple air devices reads, in general, higher than the Grimm. (Almost all slopes (coe..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
cfastie "The field evaluation report linked above includes 78 graphs comparing the results of a Purple Air sensor with a $25k GRIMM optical particle counter..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
stevie "Hi @Cbarnes9 thanks for sharing out the questions! I'm also curious where you're referencing the field test for PM10 to be biased high? Is it in t..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
jeffalk "I'd appreciate learning what in the document you referenced indicates to you that the PM10 is "biased rather high". Thanks " | Read more » over 5 years ago
Cbarnes9 "I found the information about the 640 nm wavelength lasers quite interesting, thank you. I have been in communication from people from Lane Regiona..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
prashant0768 "Laser scattering based PM sensor has tendency to show inaccuracy in particle between 2.5-10 um in size. Since Purple air as per specification i se..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "Hi, all -- one thing I wasn't able to share on the call but wanted to highlight as being pretty interesting was that some folks in Spain -- the IMV..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
hokicapsa "This is a great test blog! I personally love it and find that it pokerace99 " | Read more » almost 6 years ago