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Ag8n " I like the idea. But why are you selecting ftir? " | Read more » over 5 years ago
Ag8n "Please look at the data sheet for the purple air sensors. Specifically, the r2 data for the pm1.0, pm2.5, and pm 10. At least in the medical fiel..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "I agree, i think it's laser scatter -- you can read @guolivar's post here for a bit more! https://publiclab.org/notes/guolivar/01-08-2018/thoughts-..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "Hi! I had to look up "adsorb" -- (it means accumulating on the surface rather than interior) but that makes sense -- basically @guolivar, you're sa..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
Ag8n "Another good way to quantitate sugars is with a refractometer. They are pretty cheap and often used in wineries. " | Read more » over 5 years ago
david_uwi "Both glucose and sucrose solutions are colourless so visible light is not going to work. A homemade spectrometer will not go very far into the UV ,..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
kokoz "I think the sucrose is in different wavelenghts? in human body sucrose is broken down in to glucose.. " | Read more » over 5 years ago
warren "I don't know about glucose, but this post notes how to detect sugar (sucrose, i guess?) in wine: https://publiclab.org/notes/ygzstc/07-23-2014/dete..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
Ag8n "The purple air monitors have a low r2 value for the pm10 testing. This may lead to the skewing that you are talking about. I corresponded with th..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
guolivar "Following on @jeffalk answer, please expand on your question. In my opinion (and I've worked in aerosol science for a number of years) the main poi..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
guolivar "As far as I know Plantower hasn't disclosed that (to be fair, I don't think any of the low-cost manufacturers has done either). From the field test..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
jeffalk "Hi. Given that you mention "silica" and you are at UW Eau Claire ( western wisconsin sand mining...) I take your question to really ask whether on..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
jeffalk "I could be wrong but I do not believe optical particle counters use spectroscopy as the method is usually described. At any rate a number of years..." | Read more » over 5 years ago
esbenrossel "Nice work. Can you do a spectrum of a low pressure sodium lamp? If you can, or cannot, resolve the doublet at 589nm you will have a better idea how..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
Ag8n "Nice sharp lines on the neon spectrum! Good job! " | Read more » almost 6 years ago
homechemist "Hi there @Bronwen , yes you can contact me at my email (shown at the end of the PDF file) and I should be able to send you the 3D models in a few d..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
Bronwen "This is fantastic! Are the 3d files available somewhere? I'd love to try to modify this (or build an adapter) for another camera to try to replicat..." | Read more » almost 6 years ago
farah "how to make a kite for child? http://www.ju.edu.jo/ UJ " | Read more » about 6 years ago
esbenrossel "In case you guys haven't already seen, Reim over at pjrc has written a driver for teensy using the arduino IDE: https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/5256..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
iresal "Hi @JSummers, you are correct, I am pulsing the pins to these intervals,for the phi M I used other timer to generate the 1.4 Mhz signal (the 350 wa..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
JSummers "Hi @iresal, The correct integration time is the 15 ms time. I think that is the minimum time to read the data from the output pin. The 4 ms value ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
iresal "Dear @JSummers, thank for the reply. I assume you mean 3964 (instead of 4964) elements, and the 15 ms came from 4us (four times the clock ticks) x ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago
esbenrossel "Thank you for the mention :) I should point out that I'm not FlatCat/Fl@C@ nor do I have anything to do with the RamanPi-project. " | Read more » about 6 years ago
JSummers "Hi @iresal, you are correct about the clock roll value being related to the integration time. As the code is written, the integration time equals ..." | Read more » about 6 years ago