The MapKnitter platform runs on a combination of volunteer and paid labor by the many people that build, maintain, and operate it via Public Lab. This is an effective combination thanks to the culture of Public Lab's Coding Community. Public Lab's web ecosystem, including,,, and associated projects, takes 20 hours a week from three Code Coordinators and our sysadmin. While cost effective, it is not free. Web hosting and server costs for MapKnitter are approximately $1000 per month. For the last twelve years, Public Lab has hosted so that people everywhere can make maps from their aerial photos. Unfortunately, current circumstances have led us to scale back and take certain services offline. We are doing our best to sustain programming and support for our community. And we need your help. Support Public Lab by making a donation today [![Screen_Shot_2021-07-26_at_2.32.46_PM.png](/i/44532)](/i/44532?s=o) Button Text, because stevie always needs it (please do not delete): `TEXT` Also now: `[button:button text:/coqui]` <= `button` + `text to show on button` + `link where it should lead` ## Prototypes [notes:plant-air-purifier-prototypes] [fold:Show more text] Hello, hidden world! [unfold] [notes:question:blog] Alert text from because Liz always needs it: Learn more about the new Spectral Workbench 2. `Learn more about the new Spectral Workbench 2.` **** [![IMG_20171018_171329.jpg](]( [![IMG_20171018_171313.jpg](]( ## Inline people listings Docs for inline people listings has moved to **** ## Inline maps Docs for inline maps has moved to ### Getting started testing this! How can I share my work? * Post an activity (for building the device, or using the device, or understanding the data it collects) * add to or create a methods page (about how your hardware can be used as an environmental investigation method, links to where other project documentation lives) * Look for an upcoming OpenHour topic and volunteer to present / Request to hold a Live Call to discuss your project ## How can I share my work? Read more * Post an activity (for building the device, or using the device, or understanding the data it collects) * add to or create a methods page (about how your hardware can be used as an environmental investigation method, links to where other project documentation lives) * Look for an upcoming OpenHour topic and volunteer to present / Request to hold a Live Call to discuss your project **** [map:content:44:-73] **** This is a simple prompt for paragraph (textarea) text input: Enter some good text here. Like this. ## Add a header -- and again! And more text boo Add this here [prompt:text:Type in your greatest fear] ## Here's another something else [prompt:paragraph:Type something here:uniqueId1] **** wall-gap.svg **** ![prompt]( [![Screen_Shot_2017-01-12_at_10.54.02_AM.png](]( [![Screen_Shot_2017-01-12_at_11.16.40_AM.png](]( ### Expanding sections Wow, check this out -- click "Expand me" on the next line: Expand me **** [notes:regulations] **** Latex test: $a=x^2$ # Hello world ## Barnraising [wikis:community-organizing] ## Microplastics methods [nodes:grid:method:microplastics] ...
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