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occasionalchairs "Your sharing information is very good. Occasional Chairs " | Read more » about 3 years ago
liz "Great point. Would some cheap conductivity work help raise the understanding among more people of the need for $100, more conclusive testing? If so..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
liz "Have you thought at all about whether you are aiming to go directly to procuring lab data of baseline water quality that lab scientists will testif..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
Ag8n "There are test strips available for those, too. The more expensive ones are for testing drinking water. The cheaper test strips are for testing fi..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
Greenhorns "Yeah this is a great point! We're definitely considering pH paper tests, the more costly tests we're interested in are for metals like lead, arseni..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
Ag8n "The reason I ask- the EPA testing will always be expensive. Sometimes you can do some "screening" pH tests that are much cheaper. These would be ..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
Ag8n "Can you give more information on the pH test is being done? Who is doing it? What instrument is being used? Thanks for the help. " | Read more » about 3 years ago