
Author Comment Last activity Moderation
michelleroos "Per an EPA alumni in our volunteer network: see BLM reg 3802.4-1 noncompliance:" | Read more » over 2 years ago
liz " @liz has marked @lourdesvera as a co-author. " | Read more » over 2 years ago
liz " @liz has marked @a1ahna as a co-author. " | Read more » over 2 years ago
jess_morgan_236 "Air quality cannot be fixed in one day. We all need to be involved in protecting nature in order to breathe cleaner air. " | Read more » over 2 years ago
stevie " @stevie has marked @stevie as a co-author. " | Read more » over 2 years ago
amocorro "@winter_sullen great question! What kind of mining are you learning about? This can really influence where you might dig deeper into learning about..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
winter_sullen "@amocorro my 10th grade Chemistry teachers are doing a similar assignment to mines. We are learning about air quality and how it can affect us and ..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
amocorro "@Kennicka_HaganKarr check out this response from sarasage to learn more about the US Environmental Protection Agency's air monitoring efforts. One..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
sarasage "Have you looked at data from EPA's AMTIC (Ambient Monitoring Technology Air Monitoring Information Center)? I am assuming you are from the United S..." | Read more » about 3 years ago
wibyepp0083 "Your honest feedback helps the SmileMakers company to improve its product & services. " | Read more » almost 4 years ago
liz ":point_up: Right on point Jackie, thank you for highlighting the context around agency actions, which seems to also include how much budget the age..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
jjcreedon "EPA enforcement in Tonawanda was a direct outcome of the Obama administration. I would suspect that there has been very little (or none?) since the..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
liz "Good point @eustatic. The previous examples are from EPA regions 9 and 10 (west coast). However there is also activity (mentioned briefly above) in..." | Read more » almost 4 years ago
Morgan "So I saw reading through this that one of the questions that would be asked is how high you would be flying. Do you happen to know if there is a he..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
Bronwen "Also keep in mind that the rules that apply to balloons and kites have a lot to do with the altitude you plan on flying, but there are definitely d..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
cfastie "The rules for flying drones are different from the rules for flying kites or balloons. The rule that flying is prohibited within five miles of an a..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "Is your community engaged with on-line networks with other communities and advocacy organizations, supporting your community's water quality, envir..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "Has your community experienced any successes in attempts to protect or clean-up local water resources? If so, was this success achieved largely thr..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "Have there been any local responses, complaints, protests, demonstrations or litigation, with respect to federal and/or state regulatory changes, s..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "What specific water quality issues have recently emerged in your region , such as "boil water alerts," "swimming bans," "no fishing advisories," "n..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "Which community advocacy organizations have you found to be most helpful in addressing environmental, public health and/or community sustainable de..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "Have you had direct experience using water testing devices in your local community and, if so, will you share your assessment of such device(s), th..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
gilbert "Can you share details on any recent changes in environmental regulations or court rulings, particularly as relates to water quality, in the State w..." | Read more » over 6 years ago
abdul "This is cool! " | Read more » over 7 years ago