
Reagents are a type of chemical which react to a specific compound, typically changing color or opacity when that compound is present. Usually, you add a few drops of a reactive chemical into a container of your sample, and look for a color change. Some reagents are dried onto flat strips or put inside glass tubes (for air testing). ## Questions [questions:reagents] ## Activities Reagents are a really broad category, but some techniques related to them may be usable for various target chemicals. [activities:reagents] **** ## Additional work [notes:reagents]...

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warren "Related: How can we detect contaminants in water samples with a DIY spectrometer using reagents?" | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Also noting that @ygzstc cited some work supporting the use of the area under the curve in a spectrum data reading instead of intensity at one wave..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Just to clarify here, I believe to sum up we can say that: IF a reagent reacts linearly (for example, if doubling the concentration of the thing t..." | Read more » about 7 years ago
warren "Copying in answer from @stoft, here: It is my understanding that Beer's law is not the relationship between reagent's effect on color, but is the ..." | Read more » about 7 years ago