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viechdokter "@warren: I just had a look at an old spectrum CSV file of yours (3 years ago): There it was unscaled ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "I went ahead and created a specific issue for native 8-bit storage: As well as outlin..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "Talking about hung-up scripts, it often is a pain in the neck to login to SBW. "Do you trust this site with your identity?" "Yes" "You must login t..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "It's ok to have a 'scaled' data file -- but ONLY if that file is clearly identified as such ... like /SpectrumData-SCALED_20160420.csv or /Spectru..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Hi, all -- 2.55 is definitely related to the 0-255 value. The code that generates the CSV is here:" | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "I could re-scale but ... when everybody here gets the same minimum 2.55 increments here and you want reproducible spectral data then everyone shoul..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Hmmm, well the RAW data should have the same scale units which would be unsigned 8-bit integer from 000 to 255 -- so the Y axis should show noise h..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "I took the data from the CSV files that Spectral Workbench provides with my spectra. I had a look at one of dhaffners spectrum CSV files and see th..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Well, except there's still a problem with the plot. The smallest increment looks to be '4 steps' per scale units of '10'. Either there was some mul..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "Okay, here I combined the 4 channel max/min-difference curves in one diagram so they have the same vertical scale now: And here the combined dat..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "Talking about bits and quantization: I also noticed that certain values (2.55 and multiples thereof like 5.1, 7.65 ...) appear in every spectrum's ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Yes, it's called quantization; the camera only has 8-bits and the scale of the two plots is likely about 3-5x different. Take a look at the 'red' p..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Hmm, very interesting -- without vertical scale its hard to say though - I believe the "plateaus" on the "average curve" are artifacts of the preci..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "@warren:They would be low-noise green if you average them. ;-) @stoft: BTW, I noticed that curves that were averaged over two or more channels l..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
warren "Would he be low-noise green? :-) I'd also love to see them plotted on the same graph, maybe with the graph lines themselves in appropriate colors...." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "Yeah, I think I could do it. Hmh, I must admit that I only pretty recently started to use Excel-like programs at all. To be honest, your research n..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "I believe both Excel and Quattro Pro provide for multiple plots. I suspect your's may as well -- in Quattro it's under the specialty xy plotting. I..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "Yes, you are right. I, too, like comparable curves better. I used LibreOffice, a kind of public domain "Excel". It plots diagrams automatically and..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Not to worry, I too find bits to revise after I publish; what counts is fixing the details as they appear. One thought on visualization. When I do ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "@stoft : sorry I had to revise the research note as there was a big mistake in the red curve. I exchanged it with the new revised red curve and now..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Right. That's the Bayer filter pattern which sits in front of the imager chip and gives double the signal sensitivity for Green -- a simulation of ..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
viechdokter "@stoft : RGGB like in this picture? " | Read more » over 8 years ago
stoft "Good observations! Remember that the AGC is likley based on the sum total over the entire image; not per pixel. If there were independent AGC per c..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
danbeavers "I can't tag: camera camera-modification Error: tags can only include letters, numbers, and dashes I see what my problem is now. The field is labe..." | Read more » almost 11 years ago