Question: How do we improve WiFi signal to a Raspberry Pi while in the air?

warren is asking a question about pi-camera
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by warren | May 30, 2019 15:30 | #19579

The #pi-camera Raspberry Pi cameras people are starting to use can do live Wifi streaming video if you can get a signal, but I found that the signal didn't reach once it was really up in the air.

But I wonder if a laptop would do better than a phone at connecting (bigger antenna?) Or if some parabolic chicken wire antenna could be built as a "downlink"... interesting, just like with a real satellite!



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I really love that mesh strainer! I was also thinking about this some-- it seems like it might be reasonably easy to extend the antenna on the Raspberry Pi itself (as below):

There are external antennae for other models of the Rasp Pi, so possible sizing up would help (though we'd loose the compact size, which is really nice). That said, I am very interested in the parabolic extender. Let's try that!

Whoa, what if the strainer were the protective enclosure for the camera itself??? I'll copy that idea back to the post I just made about pi rigs. #19578

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Dumb question, but what bandwidth do you need for the video signal?

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Whoa, what if the strainer were the protective enclosure for the camera itself??? I'll copy that idea back to the post I just made about pi rigs. #19578

On Thu, May 30, 2019, 11:46 AM \<> wrote:

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Bronwen wrote:

I really love that mesh strainer! I was also thinking about this some-- it seems like it might be reasonably easy to extend the antenna on the Raspberry Pi itself (as below): There are external antennae for other models of the Rasp Pi, so possible sizing up would help (though we'd loose the compact size, which is really nice). That said, I am very interested in the parabolic extender. Let's try that!

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