Question: What are some of the challenges of implementing a problem-based learning curriculum in your classroom?

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by mimiss | May 07, 2019 18:26 | #19267

What were some of the barriers you camp up against in your first round of problem-based learning lessons? What attitude shifts are necessary in both students and teachers to flip the classroom? What are some of the lessons you've learned and tips for others moving forward?


Barriers: my own self! It was hard to not take ownership of some of the students' projects. Also, being ok with chaos as a process and that learning can and will lead to a messy & loud classroom was a big stepping stone for me to really get PBL off the ground and running.

Lessons learned: being specific on expectations. Having students genuine reflect/self evaluate along the way is extremely important part of the process. Having community connections willing to join in the learning process helped make it unique. I really grew in my 1 on 1 conferencing skills.

I cannot teach a non PBL based style anymore. Students excitement and engagement is beyond anything I have ever achieved via textbook or close reading in my classroom. Parents and school staff all appreciated this Genius Hour project.

Tips: Just do it! As a classroom teacher this will be such a great experience for you, your students, parents, and admins.

Thanks for sharing! I'd love to learn more about your 1 on 1 conferencing, I think it's extremely important to the success of student projects. Do you use any templates or project tracking to facilitate these meetings? We are testing out a project tracker for an upcoming project, and I'd appreciate any tips or feedback you may have.

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