Question: What are some technologies that could be used to set up a hydroponic urban garden?

ksmith0 is asking a question about hydroponics
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by ksmith0 | March 22, 2018 21:33 | #16007

I've been looking into an urban garden project for Birmingham, AL. I have been trying to do some research on hydroponics and vertical farming, but am curious if there are any better methods out there currently or easier ways to accomplish the project given the environment and space in the area.


indoor or outdoor space?

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Outdoor space

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Hi ksmith0,

Here's a link where you can see how to build vegetable home garden with an irrigation system included:

This is a practice promote in our climate smart villages in Latin America. More information in the following links:

Hope it is useful.

Best regards, Deissy

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Emailed in from Erin Haacker: "I poked around in that direction, and you might consider getting in touch with J. Raymond Kessler:, He’s the first author on this (admittedly old) extension document, “Hydroponics for Home Gardeners”: I’m not sure that the actual technical details of hydroponics would have changed much in the past few years, since we’ve pretty much figured out how to grow plants – in this case, going high tech might just mean spending more money for a similar yield."

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