I'd be very interested in getting input from Public Lab contributors on linking an anemometer with a Purple Air monitor to categorize particulate pollution levels with wind speed and direction. One outcome of such a pairing could be a "pollution rose" that could attribute (or disprove) an association between a particular emission source (e.g., frac sand plant) and community exposure.
We are a faculty-student team at UW-Eau Claire and have benefited from working with Public Lab folks including Stevie Lewis.
The Purple Air monitor data are sent to their website (https://www.purpleair.com/map?opt=1/mAQI/a10/cC0#5.03/42.78/-88.52). Could an anemometer that measures wind speed and direction be paired with a specific air monitor so we can see if particulate pollution is coming from a specific direction?
Crispin Pierce
(715) 836-5589