Public Lab Research note

Fukuoka's One Straw Revolution

by GreenYouth | September 04, 2013 03:54 04 Sep 03:54 | #9254 | #9254

Hi guys,

Green Youth Collective is a non profit social enterprise in HCMC, Viet Nam working to professionally train and employ disadvantaged youth in careers related to urban agriculture. In order to sustain our educational programs, we offer a variety of sustainable products to bring organic gardening into the home, either on roofs, balconies, walls, etc. We are starting our permaculture educational center on a beautiful piece of land outside of the city, where are conducting a variety of sustainable things such as earth building, floating gardens, rain watcher catchments, etc. Very excited to be part of the Public Lab network!

If you haven't read this book by the Japanese 'do nothing' farmer, its amazing and really changes our perspective on basic concepts that we generally believe are true for organic farming.

Enjoy, and let me know if you want to discuss it. We are going to dedicate a small part of our land to experimenting with his methods.

PEACE! (document attached below!)



This is a great book, but Rodale Publishing holds the copyright, I don't think we should host a file here. Would you mind changing the link to the usda hosted file?

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Hey Green Youth, I just stumbled upon this note, how excellent! How's your work in Vietnam going? Have you tried anything with infrared imagery? What are you working on now?

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