Staff Call notes 8 5 2011
Fri, Aug 05 2011:
Stewart, Shannon, Adam, Mathew, Jeff
Public Archive
- GMF planning - Chandeleur balloon map with birds, Mikel editorial
- $1400 printing?
Fundraising and writing
- NSF (12th) grant - Liz, Shannon, Jeff, ...
- EDF, due 13th - what is our plan?
- Journal of Aesthetics and Protest - draft sent, final by end of Aug
- abstract sent for Antipode - reply within a week
- Video shot list by Mathew for review soon
- new spectrometer docs going up soon, Spectral working group
Field work this week
- Mathew - interviews - folks who live on site of engine room? - sched. of interviewers laid out
- art walk - put up a gallery of our images and did kite building and flying, lots of interest
- head of superfund sites … say hell yes - interested in GM for documenting reclamation sites
- mainstreet/farmers market headcount kite map soon
- met with Center for Land Use Interpretation folks at their work party
- got images of the (bonneville?) salt flats - flew kite off the back of pedicabs, volkswagen sun roof
- Gowanus last weekend
- infrared/visible map of entire upper canal
- discussion of how to incentivize people to stitch maps
- discussion of precision/accuracy of our map data - Eric Wolf’s thesis
- Hamil Pearsall - Clark U - GIS class, collab. on curricula
- flight, late Sept. - use data for ongoing classwork
- Guide wrap up, translations
- undergrad class at PNCA - Mathew & Molly [class] on toilets
- Kit sales - cheaper $9 balloons - a pallet of space rental? Breadpig.
PLOTS: the organization
- nonprofit filing soon soon! end of aug, 4 months before Jan for review?
Recent & Upcoming events
- Adam to Mexico