Public Lab Research note

Outreachy Proposal: Design full screen UI for Infragram and Proposing Additional Features.

by saki01singh | April 21, 2022 19:01 21 Apr 19:01 | #30550 | #30550

About me

_I am Sakshi Singh from India. I am currently pursuing B.Tech in Information Technology and am in my second year. I am interested in full-stack web development. I have learnt web development from Udemy course and would love to implement my knowledge to make something useful for people. _

This is my first time contributing to open source. I have tried to create UI for the website and had past experience in designing UI for Designathon.

_I have been a part of GDSC IGDTUW and LeanIn, coding clubs of my university and have mentored my juniors regarding their future goals, time management and study resources. _

Affiliation: Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women (IGDTUW)

Location: India

Project description


Abstract/summary (<20 words):


Full screen UI and proposal for additional features.


Week 1-

1. Contact the mentor and have a discussion on how to proceed with the project, their expectations and timezones for working with teammates.

2. Going through existing features, codes and UI of the project.

3. Discuss my proposal and additional requirements.

Week 2-

1. Incorporating feedback and suggestions from mentors and starting with the frontend part with the home page and learn more/about-us page that includes linking to external links, navbar, and buttons.

2. Changes in home page according to mentor's feedback.

3. Start creating FTO's.

Week 3-

1. Working on QnA section - both frontend and backend.

2. Start working on __uploading and analyzing images page.

Week 4-

1. Working on uploading and analyzing images page.

Week 5-

1. Work on buy and modify existing camera feature.

2. Create sign up and login options.

3. Changes and modifications according to feedback.

_Week 6- _

1. Checking for UX and receiving feedbacks.

2. Work according to requirements and feedback.

Week 7-

1. Testing functions- unit and integrated.

Week 8-

1. Work on Documentation.

2. Complete pending tasks.

Week 9-

1. Making Blog.

2. Working on bugs.

3. Complete pending tasks.

Week 10-

1. Incorporating suggestions and feedback.

Week 11-

1. Creating tutorials, logo and illustrations.

Week 12-

1. Merging and uploading the code on Github.

Week 13-

Completing Blog.


1. Mentors for guiding me throughout the project.

2. Code for existing website and ore decided features.

3. Documentation, SRS, etc of existing website.

4. Sample data to test on.

5. Test cases for unit and integrated testing.

6. Users who could provide feedback of UX.

First-time contribution


1.Contributed to , website for cultural fest of university.

2. Made projects such as Chrome Extension for dictionary, to-do lists, blog websites etc.

3.Tech stack known and worked with-

HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Node.js, express.js, mongoDb, mongoose, SQL, react, Python, C, C++.

4.Tools known-

Atom, VS code, Figma, Canva, Google Cloud, Git, Github.


I have contributed in making website for cultural fest of IGDTUW in a team of 10 people where each one was assigned different pages. I was assigned preloader page and home page which I made using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JS. I completed the task under guidance of my senior in University and also helped in removing bugs and adding animations. It was a good opportunity to test and enhance my skills.


I like the way Public Lab gives it users affordable and sustainable ways to check thier plant health and buy or make their own DIY cameras. Everyone is helpful and respectful in the chat and mentor is very active in providing feedbacks, resolving issues and answering questions.


It would be great to help in creating a platform which can be used and worked upon by the people where users can themselves give suggestions and help in development.


I will give Outreachy my utmost priority for these 13 weeks if I am provided with the opportunity to work here. Every day I will devote 6 hours to accomplish 40 hr per week working condition. I would have a summer break at the same time during July so it'll be convenient for me to devote maximum time to Outreachy.


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