Public Lab Research note

Communicating expectations from Chippewa County residents concerned with frac sand mines

by bhamster , Pat | February 16, 2022 18:54 16 Feb 18:54 | #30030 | #30030

On a recent call, Public Lab community members gathered to talk about mine reclamation. One of the folks on the call was @Pat, who has done extensive community organizing around frac sand mining in Chippewa County, Wisconsin.

Pat gave an example of an approach she's taken in her advocacy, illustrated by this handout (below) created for and submitted to members of the Chippewa County Land Conservation and Forest Management Committee. The handout clearly and succinctly states residents' expectations of what the committee should work on, at minimum, to ensure the health and safety of communities where these mines operate. One committee member reported that they keep the handout up on their office wall.

Handout listing four minimum expectations from residents concerned with frac sand mining in Chippewa County Wisconsin. 1) High levels of planning and oversight in circumstances where contaminated storm water or waste water discharges into ground and/or surface waters including public waters. 2) Adequate and reasonable financial assurances that reclamation will occur and without responsibility on current and future generations of taxpayers in the county. 3) Consistent, rigorous and aggressive enforcement of  any violations to federal, state, and local regulations or standards in regard to frac sand mining including reclamation and water issues with special attention to heavy metal contamination. 4) High level of reclamation attainment in all bedrock mines located within the county.


@bhamster has marked @Pat as a co-author.

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