Public Lab Research note

Oil and Gas Hardware Fellow Status Update: Week 5!

by wmacfarl | October 22, 2019 02:07 22 Oct 02:07 | #21250 | #21250

We're going into the 5th week of our research and fellowship work on oil and gas monitoring. In my last update I said that I'd started playing with and documenting the use of some of the wonderful, open-hardware DF Robot liquid sensors that we had received.

The bulk of my work over the last couple of weeks has gone into experimenting with these sensors and documenting this process in a series of research notes.

My goal is to produce guides for testing, using, and calibrating these sensors with a particular focus on how the parameters they measure can be related to oil and gas contamination.

I wrote a guide on Testing the DF Robot Turibidity Sensor and began similar work with some of the others.

Because all of these sensors share a common interface to the Arduino my next step is to refactor the documentation into sections, some of which are common to all of the sensors, and some of which are sensor-specific.

The beginning of this work is here:

I hope that this documentation can also serve as a more general guide to getting started with environmental sensors on the Arduino.


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