Public Lab Research note

RSS to PDF converters for the Grassroots Mapping Forum

by warren | April 23, 2012 23:45 23 Apr 23:45 | #1760 | #1760

Mathew suggested that we try to automate the creation of Grassroots Mapping Forum issues by sourcing them from the website -- so I looked into converters that can make nicely formatted PDFs from RSS feeds. Attached are a few i generated, and there are options:

They'd all need some tweaking (and maybe a pro account, if it's worth it) or we could try to monkey around with wkhtml2pdf (sp?) which is what offers the PDF download all over our website -- it can be styled with CSS.

Files Size Uploaded
GrassrootsMappingForum-feedjournal.pdf 1.11 MB 2012-04-23 23:44:18 +0000
gmf-fivefilters.pdf 3.43 MB 2012-04-23 23:44:45 +0000


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