Public Lab Research note

[WIP] Step by Step: Build a fine dust sensor with Arduino (Beginners Guide)

by niklasjordan | April 27, 2018 14:51 27 Apr 14:51 | #16230 | #16230


In this manual I will explain step by step how to build your own fine dust sensor. Don't worry, it sounds more complicated than it is.

For whom is this manual suitable? In principle for everyone. You don't have to be able to program and you don't ever need to have tinkered with Arduinos. However, it is advantageous if you have some basic technical knowledge and can handle your computer ;-)

What can you do with the sensor? The sensor measures particulate matter, the most damaging air pollutant. Particulate matter are divided into groups according to size, yet all are invisible to the human eye. Larger particles (PM10) consists of substances such as dust, asbestos and lead, and can get into the lungs, while smaller ones (PM2.5) include organic compounds and metals, and can penetrate deeper into the respiratory system.

You want to know more about fine dust? In @liz article you will find all the information you need:

Step-by-step Guide

1. What do you need?

You don't need that much. If you are a well-equipped DIY enthusiast, you only need the hardware parts for the sensor. Otherwise you will need the following tools to match the hardware parts:

  • Soldering iron (It's enough to buy a very cheap one)
  • Soldering tin (Here it doesn't really matter which one you use. I can highly recommend Fairloetet's tin, as it is produced fairly.)
  • Computer (PC, Mac or Linux)
  • Helping Hands Magnifier Station (You don't necessarily need it, but it makes things a lot easier for you.)

You may already have all this stuff at home. Now you need the materials for the sensor:

2. Build the hardware

Note: If you have never had a soldering iron in your hand, the first thing you should do is follow these instructions: Introduction to soldering

3. Make the software

Further readings


Looking very interesting here! Thanks!!!

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This is super interesting! Wanna read! Not sure why, but the links are not working for me.



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