Public Lab Research note

GSoC proposal: Calendar Events and Graphs Integration

by 500swapnil | February 07, 2018 01:30 07 Feb 01:30 | #15695 | #15695

About me

Name : Swapnil Gupta

Email :

Affiliation : International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad - 500032

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Location: Hyderabad, India

Project Title: Calendar Events and Graphs Integration

Gitter: 500swapnil

Project description

I will be addressing the calendar and events integration part of and some parts of

Currently, only PL members can RSVP on events. When an event is organised, not every new comer prefers to create an account just to RSVP. This might deter participation. Having the option to RSVP as a non-user can be made available to encourage participation from people. Another feature I will implement is fixing the ical feed of all 'events' tagged notes by fixing the issues with Google Calendar usage. If the calendar can be integrated properly with the events, it could help users keep better track of the upcoming events.

Stats graphs appear in many places around the site, so improving these graphs will have a big impact on how people understand activity in Public Lab. The graphs haven't been improved since they were first created some years ago. Stats and graphs of all kinds are important for how the community can see itself, and for the non-profit to do evaluation with. New graphs could help improve the overall interface and user experience.

I will also be working on enhancements of the representation of tags across all types of wiki pages, research notes etc on the Public Lab website.

Some sample graph designs to replace the old ones

image description

Mixed line/bar graph (Source:

image description

Multilevel Area graph (Source:

image description

Line graph (Source:

image description

Radar graph (Source:

Frappe Charts were suggested by @warren

Issues to be resolved (Already Existing)


image descriptionimage descriptionimage descriptionimage description


I don't have any special requirements. Just need the guidance of a mentor and an internet connection.


I have already forked and set up all the resources needed on my local machine. The link to the repo is:


I have learned and have experience in Django, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Python, C, C++ through the various projects I've worked on and through college courses/assignments.

Other than publiclab, there are some open source projects I've contributed to like: (Now archived)

Here are some of my PR's for PublicLab:


I have worked on creating the Entrepreneurship-cell Website of our college with many other members. I am comfortable interacting with other team members and mingling with new people. I have also worked on numerous other college projects with fellow students. These experiences have given me the confidence to ask the silliest questions without any hesitation.


As a small part of the community, I feel we should all do our part in contributing to the betterment of the environment and society. It's difficult to find such opportunities frequently. Public Lab provides a great platform to help put my skills to good use.


Building on the existing model, I will try and keep my code as well documented and modular as possible making it simpler to make future updates based on different stats, new additions to the site etc.


I understand that this project is equivalent to a full time summer job and will put in that level of effort by following the timeline I've proposed.


@warren Can you review this and let me know what else I can add?

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For sure -- i'm a bit behind right now but will today or tomorrow -- thanks!!!

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It'd be great also to link to, and collect ideas from, the relevant milestone: and the associated planning issue if there is one! Thanks!

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@warren Yeah. I'll add a few more tasks from that milestone!

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@warren I've already modified the proposal a bit by collaborating with other projects. Have added work on calendar feed. Have a look at this milestone. Can I work on this one for soc? Could add graphs to improve the visualizations.

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@warren I observed you just need Facebook OAuth before the summer. Another way we could work is divide the entire project into 2 parts. In part-1, I could complete the OAuth integration with google twitter github etc. since that doesn't require that much time and in part-2, I could work on the calendar integration and event work. What do you think?

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Hi, @500swapnil - yes, it would be great to see OAuth integration both before summer (in some form, at least a start) and also broken out as solvable tasks in the proposal.

Milestone 13 is also a priority! We'd love to see a proposal built around some of those -- they do need unpacking though, as there are many parts to it!

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@warren sounds good! There are enough people working with OAuth already, I think we can have it complete before summer too since it is a priority feature. I'll be working on calendar integration and Milestone 13 then. I've added it to the description and removed OAuth. I'll start breaking up the issues of Milestone 13 and add it to the timeline! Any other suggestions?

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@warren I've updated the timeline and description. Please have a look. I've broken up milestone 13 into smaller tasks. Will just add 2-3 examples of graphs in the final draft. Let me know if you have any last suggestions. Thanks!

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Fantastic. I love that you've woven together a set of projects across the codebase -- often there are just a set of mini-projects that nobody can figure out how to turn into a summer-long project, so that's SUPER useful!!!

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@warren Great! I'll just add a few samples of graphs and finalize this draft then.

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@warren Added a few sample graphs as well. I think this proposal looks complete now. Thanks for your guidance!

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