I gave a 3 hour workshop on DIY water monitoring at HKBU yesterday. and want to share my schedule and slides here.
Ideally it should be 2 X 3hour workshop, or 2 X 3hour indoor workshop plus half day fieldwork. I just don't have more time yesterday...
This is a project based learning workshop that contains 3 parts: Problem, Learn, Create. the slides I am using is here:
I prepared 5 problems as examples that need to be further investigate or solve. it's here. If have more time, actually can take participants out for 0.5-1 day fieldwork, to better understand local problem
there are 2 session:
1. Learn water quality assessment with quick test kits.
I introduce this part with a water guessing game. All participants were asked to bring water sample, and I also prepare some samples. I put the sample into different bottles, to let them guess which is what by testing the water.
I prepared these test kits: TSD, Chlorine, Hardness, NH4, PO4, CODmn, pH, heavy mental... most of the kits can be purchased from the following websites:
pH strips, hardness strips, http://www.mn-net.com/tabid/4928/Default.aspx
Sealed reagents for ammonia, COD, phosphate, etc http://kyoritsu-lab.co.jp
Chlorine test kits like https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=544348124604&ali_refid=a3_430583_1006:1110492222:N:余氯测试剂:b0075cf3109ed5fe3340378b628f08bf&ali_trackid=1_b0075cf3109ed5fe3340378b628f08bf&spm=a230r.1.14.1
2. Learn Arduino basic with arduino uno, and write a simple code to read and store TDS value into a microSD Card
sample code is here but I encourage the participant to write by themselve
the procedure is mostly like this:
- turn on LED
- connect TDS sensor
- Make interactions between TDS and LED (e.g tds over 150ppm led will blink)
- store data into SD card
- connect real time clock
- put everything together.
the sensors, board, and modules are here
I don't have time for this part, but ideally participant will group on to discuss/design their system, and prototype it, with the provided materials
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