Question: Can I use a Diffraction Grating Slide Holographic 1000 lines/mm instead of the CD?

oglezsa is asking a question about spectrometry
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by oglezsa | November 02, 2017 21:27 | #15143

What I want to do or know... I bought the Desktop Spectrometer version and I have problems splitting the CD. Can I use a Diffraction Grating Slide Holographic 1000 lines/mm instead of the CD?


Yes, you should be able to -- the angles may change though! Tell us what happens when you do!

Will do. Thank You.

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definetely, they are more precisely grated than the CD/DVD grooves (for storage). moreover, with different type of grating, selection has to be managed for the wavelength band of chosing. with public lab diy spectrometer kit versions, often it spans from 400 to 950nm covering visible and uv regions.

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