Public Lab Research note

Editable wiki sub-sections prototype on

by warren | February 07, 2017 19:15 07 Feb 19:15 | #13906 | #13906

I've been working on this part of the Rich Wikis project to make's wikis more interactive -- to encourage people to author more -- and one part of that has been the "Editable sub-sections" feature.

(as an aside, isn't that the _raddest_ lead image?)

To make editing wikis easier, we're interested in making it possible to edit just one section; sections could be divided as block elements, so any header, paragraph, list, blockquote, or image would become a subsection.

Subsections could have an "edit" link next to them, which opens an inline editor for just that subsection.

Well, after some important architectural changes to the site, implemented by first-time contributor pranaygupta36, I was able to get a prototype running. (if you're interested, the code is here)

While this code should shortly appear on the Public Lab site, it's not active by default -- it must be activated by adding ?raw=true to the end of a wiki page URL. But you can test it out without any repercussions on our testing server, which mirrors our live server:

(note that you'll need to be logged in for this to work) description

You can open a section for editing by pressing the "pencil" icon at the end of an editable section. For now it's Markdown, but we'll get a rich text editor in there soon.

Have fun, and feedback/input very welcome!


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