Question: How to convert the csv or xml files to spectrum graph?

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by soheilkh | December 14, 2016 00:30 | #13781

What I want to do or know

I want to know if and how I can use the downloaded spectral file (e.g. csv or xml) to create a spectral distribution graph like the one spectrometers show.


Also is there anyway (and whether it is allowed) to download/compile an executable (.exe) file that runs public lab spectrometer like a portable file with ability to calibrate?



Hi sohelikh, I don't know how to create a spectral distribution graph like those you say. The Spectralworkbench can be instaled in any computer running a local server for sure. You can install it in your laptop for example but I don't really know if an executable file can be done to port it let's say, in a pendrive. Installation instructions can be found here: You can also shoot your pictures with your regular camera (not through the spectralworkbench tool) upload them to and calibrate your spectra afterwards. best is the core JavaScript modules which could be easier to run in isolation as well -- it's used in the larger project.

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Yes, there is CSV, XML, and JSON data download for each spectrum. It's on the lower left side of the screen in a grey bar. Hope that helps!

Warren, I have downloaded csv file but then how will I be able to convert the RGB and wavelength values to calculate absorbance or transmittance? Can it be done in spectralworkbench or are there other software?

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