Public Lab Research note

AFLOSS collection of tutorials

by xose | December 06, 2016 11:52 06 Dec 11:52 | #13749 | #13749

What I want to do

Compose a list of tutorials and videotutorials to the main Audiovisual editing Free Libre Open Source Software to facilitate the post-production of investigative materials using free/libre tools. It also includes a list of sites withe free downloadeable multimedia archives. The main purpose is to collect info in a single list of browser bookmarks.

My attempt and results

At the present moment the collection includes tutorials of this aplications:

Kdenlive - Natron - Openshot - Lightworks - Aegisub - Audacity - Ardour - ImageJ - Gimp - Darktable - Inkscape - Scribus - Obscuracam

Using the collection

  1. download the file
  2. unzip the file
  3. you will get a file called ESCUELA.html
  4. open your web browser (we recommend TOR browser or Firefox)
  5. open the bookmarks panel
  6. click on "import from html"
  7. select the file ESCUELA.html
  8. in the Bookmarks panel move the "escuela audiovisual" folder to the "bookmarks toolbar" so you'll have the links always at hand
  9. you can add new tutorials to your collection and erase those you don't want ;)

Questions and next steps

The list is limited to a bunch of aplications so next steps will be going on adding more tutorials of the aplications included and widening the number of apps included.

Why I'm interested

Investigations must be conducted with a certain amount of confidentiallity from the contact with local sources, the boots on the ground, the post processing and the communication of the materials obtained to the arrival of these materials to a court of justice. This confidentiallity in large part depends on the use of free/libre tools, from the cameras we use to the sensors we deploy on the ground to the ways we publish and communicate.

The list will be updated and shared on this post.

UPDATE 15th December 2016

Included around 50 tutorials of ImageJ


thanks for collecting these! there are a few applications in here I didn't know of that sound like great things to check out.

FYI-- there's some broken formatting to your Darktable link.

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Thanks for the feedback @mathew! I'll change as soon I'm on the keyboard. I hope you enjoy it!

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Collection updated Including around 50 tutorials of ImageJ

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