Question: How to process images using a mobius with an IR lens?

miguel_rosas is asking a question about infragram
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by miguel_rosas | October 18, 2016 16:43 | #13575

What I want to do or know

Using a mobius camera with the IR Lens form public lab can I calculate NDVI operating the red and near infrared band as its formula suggests (since the modified lend substitutes blue with near infrared) ?? do I still need the white balance???

Background story

Hello! hey I'm planning on doing some NDVI for a school project and I happen to have the code in Matlab to calculate NDVI having the value of each band in a picture. Im really interested in your Infragram Plant Cam and IR Lens but I don't understand just yet how this white balancing works.


Hi, very late reply but I'm starting to tie everything in this topic area together -- there's now documentation up at both and

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