Public Lab Research note

Measuring Indoor Carbon Dioxide Levels, Indoor Air Quality

by LukeS | April 22, 2016 16:23 22 Apr 16:23 | #13018 | #13018

What I want to do

I wrote a how-to article describing the step by step process needed to accurately measure indoor carbon dioxide levels which is a component of indoor air quality. All supplies can be purchased for about $50 total which will give you ten CO2 tests.

How to measure CO2 blog post:

Full how-to video:

Supplies & Cost

RAE System 10-104-30 carbon dioxide colorimetric detection tubes - $35 plus shipping

100 mL syringe with tube - $10


In today's day and age, CO2 levels are a good indicator of how well indoor air (and exhalations) are being replaced with fresh, outdoor air.

Thank you for your post -- have you done any more work with CO2?

I've noticed that Adafruit sells a board that measures eCO2 which is actually measuring volatile organic compounds. I'm wondering if this also rises and falls with human exhalations in the same way, or if it can be confused with other environmental factors.

Will need to research further. Patrick

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