Public Lab Research note

Ozone sensor (MiCS-2614) and Blue light sensor (mini photocell)

by filimon_k | December 13, 2015 19:15 13 Dec 19:15 | #12506 | #12506

What I want to do

Create two types of wearable sensors using arduino based platform: One is an ozone sensor, the other is blue light detector.

My attempt and results

We are able to calibrate the ozone sensor and have a working calibration system which had been an issue for over two months. Filtering specific wavelength of blue light (450-470nm) had been a challenge because we couldn't find filter's easily.

Questions and next steps

Can we use mini arduinos and rechargeable battery source along with data logging shield that incorporates GPS, SD card and clock to develop a wearable version of our sensors?

Why I'm interested

Ozone is an air pollutant and an airway irritant to humans while blue light, particularly emitted from cell phone display is associated with sleep cycle disruption.


@filimon_k how did you calibrate your ozone sensor?

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Hello ink14, we used Model 49i-PS Ozone Primary Standard ( to generate known concentrations of ozone and Model 49i Ozone Analyzer ( to analyze how much ozone was actually being generated from the generator. We put our MICS 2614 ozone sensors in a sealed chamber between the O3 Generator and O3 analyzer and measured their response to the amount of ozone passing through the sealed camber. We used a 9v battery and arduino datalogger to record their response. Do I make some sense?

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