Public Lab Research note

Plaça Salvador Seguí, Barcelona

by OpenSystems | April 22, 2015 20:38 22 Apr 20:38 | #11763 | #11763



I took part in the OPEN SYSTEMS/PUBLIC LAB mapping during the Novum Festival. As someone engaged in citizen science here in Ireland I was charmed by the tools, but what really excited me was the strong potential of Balloon Mapping as a catalyst for public dialogue in the urban context. Yes, you could use drones to do this work (if you had the resources) but you see a balloon on a string and you instantly want to know who is at the end of that string and what they are up to!

I look forward to being the first one to conduct a proactice experiment with this technique in Ireland, exploring a Bee's eye view of the foraging potential in Dublin's northwest inner city for the Lifeline Project Bí!


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