Public Lab Research note

Open source mapping database

by SyncPoint | February 06, 2015 19:45 06 Feb 19:45 | #11558 | #11558

What I want to do:

share my created mapping database for feedback, analyses and education

My attempt and results

my attempt is to create a universal automated quadcopter mapper, a scientific gopro-like attachment. Currently I am regularly monitoring a specific area at a regular interval.

Questions and next steps

my question is if there are any people inside the community that would benefit from my database, and if so, I would make my private datasets public.

Why I'm interested

This project of mine is meant as a master thesis project. however i have taken it a lot further and now i am wondering if there is any demand for these types of datasets.

Google drive link of raw files in NGB and RGB with corresponing orthophotos: (



Can you share more detail about the "cientific gopro-like attachment" Looks good. Are you using two cameras or one?? Nice pictures of the botanical garden in utrecht

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Yes the pictures are of the botanical garden, it is my favourite testing ground since it has all difficult terrain aspects condensed into a small area. About the details of the sensor i will share when i am done. for now i will just post results occaisionaly. I was planningto do it weekly but i see no interest in the database.

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