Public Lab Research note

Testing Google Maps Embed

by kanarinka | September 06, 2014 11:27 06 Sep 11:27 | #11113 | #11113

What I want to do

@donblair and I are going to be making a collaborative map of water conductivity with my journalism students and I want to see if we can embed a collaborative Google Map on the PublicLab site.

My attempt and results

Looks like I can:

Questions and next steps

Is there a collaborative map making tool that is open source and allows for embedding multimedia content in markers?

Why I'm interested

I'm teaching a journalism class about data visualization and we are doing an experimental module on sensor journalism. Students will be building the "Coquí" kit and collecting conductivity measurements around Boston.


Hey! This looks like a cool project!

Enabling users to embed multimedia on a map was (at one point) part of the spec for my GSoC project to improve MapKnitter.

For the time being, I wonder if the Google Maps Engine Lite would satisfy your needs. There are also some richer tools available for map storytelling, such as StoryMapJS, slidemapper, and SpatioTemporalNarrative.

In the long-term, is this a feature you would like to see built in to MapKnitter? How would it be helpful to you in MapKnitter?

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