State of the Map, my slides & notes
I was at State of the Map US all weekend (Oct 13-14, 2012). Many wonderful presentations on OSM, check out the notes especially on storytelling and historical maps, which hold lessons and collaboration suggestions for us as we review map annotation.
TJ Maciak
Beyond Base Maps: Beautiful Thematic Maps
works for community research institute, MAPAS 2.0 johnson center community research institute, in grand rapids
mapnik for thematic maps.. * used tilecache to hold images, OGCServer in Mapnik
NNIP national Neighborhood Indicators partnership pull data from NNIP sheela martin at PSU, open indicators
Open Indicators Consortium
Weave "Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment integrates bar charts too * downfall-- uses flash * moving to open layers
end result: able to drop thematic data below OSM streets!
Flightstats, showing airports, weather, and plane tracks
Wm Leler
Using OSM to build a National Park Service base Map
Mamata K. Akela
builds basemaps with bing, esri, google, mapbox printed graphical products still not in GIS system
using Inkscape for icons! yay open source graphics!
working to partner with OSM and create NPS specific tags to limit displays to managed trails (for liability)
maps as storytelling devices within your CMS
sean larkin ThinkShout, Inc. Portland-based, lots of Drupal
client: The Intertwine Alliance
use leaflet for tiles built custom layers, drupal metadata and slideshows.
"an adventure is a collection of parks and trails. can combine parks and trails in their adventure, add photos and text." maps in the sidebar,
stack: drupal site, leaflet, mapbox tiles, drupal vector data
drupals's database abstraction layer doesn't support geo-extensions...
it all starts with an editor
by default, potlatch, databse postgreSQL, renderer, Mapnik
improve usability by banning Potlatch, everything that's not JOSM "we need more germans" "Along the pike" how to add cycleways in Potlatch 2 * most people have never used a vector graphics app Merkaartor, cut down JOSM
Potlatch-- name comes from the newsletter of french anarchists called the letterist international
now looking at Dojo for editing, looking for "modeless UI", but interested in a "tutorial mode"
don't code? our documentation is terrible, please help!
Historical Mapping
Martin Gilbert
similar: HOT, OSMBuildings, Oakland crimespotting, Pleades, pelagios, meograph, pastmapper
soylent problem, history is people
Mikel Maron has started OSM-Historical community, building tags and advice
"Frankie Roberto's Deck is te word on OSM history tags for Manchester"
"The playa on OSM Mikel Maron"
ESRI puts state lines in their basemap... not helpful historically
San francisco on Pastmapper, , Civil War battles historic maps
gecon.yale. another dataset.
make maps into objects
Nikki from
"mapkins" and blanket maps
Satellite Maps for Your App
Nathan Vander Wilt Argyle Tiles ter the goal: building the other tab, satellite data (actually aerial ras data)
raster sources:
NASA, ** small scale, km/px
USDA ** large scale, 1m/px
USGS partner, clearinghouse, up to 10cm/px ** sometimes university/county mirrors
state/city agencies ** watch copyright!
how to tile make?
GDAL... yikes.
Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team HOT
Kate Chapman membership gives you first shot at work/internships join the mailing list
Hot "Vacations" volunteer somewhere for 2-3 weeks and teach skills to new people
World Bank Disaster Risk Management
Robert Soden "Global facility for disaster reduction and recovery" resilience to natural hazards and climate change... understanding risk modeling, impact modeling
"disasters are the interactions of naturally produced hazards and societally produced hazards"
Causes: Weak social networks, poorly constructed settelments and infrastructure, environmental degredation, corrupt and dysfunctional government institutions
exposure: "buildings, populations, livestock" hazard X exposure X vulnerability = Risk
Location and structural charateristics of societal assets for which we would like to reduce or transfer risk.
partners for data model validation: CAPRA UNISDR GEM USGS
community mapping and open data...
can we use OSM to record historical data and keep track of historic change?
OSM & K-12 Ed
Jeff Meyer @gwathistory
STEM drives the train, but Social Studies explain large-scale problems
why OSM? Price is right...
- multidisciplinary project-based activities
- OSM central data store makes a difference.
- creaton promotes long-term retention
- collaboration encouraged sevelopment of social interaction skills
TTL routing...
Offically announce html5 OSM navigaton
Changemonger: Human consumable OSM Data
Serge Wroclawski part of activities streams... idea to have