Timelapse apps
A partial list of iPhone/iPad Apps. Go to iTunes and search * [time lapse] (http://ax.search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearch.woa/wa/search?entity=software&media=all&page=1&restrict=true&startIndex=0&term=time+lapse) for a bunch more.
Android Apps
A list of Android apps (feel free to add iOS apps below) which take timelapse image sequences, so you can use them on a balloon mapping rig for aerial photography. Most important is whether they capture in the full resolution of the camera, and/or if they compress to make it into a video.
- Timelapse - $1.99, captures up to 2048x1536
More recently released, look pretty good but untested:
- Timelapse Free - This one has "Timelapse,compass,GPS tagging,full EXIF details", and seems to save as a file.
- LapseIt Pro