The Barnraiser
The Barnraiser is a 1-page daily "newspaper" we're publishing during the PL Barnraising as part of the Documentation Committee (DocCom).
We see it as a lighthearted (but hard-hitting journalistic) way to summarize and share in a succinct, low-burden, but regular way, what's going on at our busiest and most productive event of the year!
Email and/or to join the Barnraiser's "staff"! Despite limited page space, we're happy for any help we can get!
We're specifically looking for:
- reporters to cover Barnraising events, sessions, and culture
- photographers to get great front-page images
- editors to help polish/trim/layout the final paper
- publishers to get up early to print & distribute
So far, we are (add your username if you can please!):
- Firas Ismail
- Bronwen Densmore
- Colleen Butler
- Mary Kenosian @marlokeno
- Jason Fagone
- Sara Sage @sarasage
- Scott Eustis @eustatic
- Jaekyung Lee
We'll use the talk page of this wiki page as a (chaotic) staging area to collect material and links over the course of each day. Please dump content there with your name -- and/or just take paper notes and come to the editorial meeting at the end of the day!
Past issues
Working images from 2015 can be found here
Issue 1: Friday Nov 19
PDF: barnraiser-2015-11-19.pdf
Issue 2: Saturday Nov 20
PDF: The_Barnraiser--Saturday__Nov_20.pdf
Issue 3: Sunday Nov 21
PDF: The_Barnraiser--Sunday__Nov_21.pdf
Logos, graphics: barnraiser.svg and barnraiser.png