Public Lab Wiki documentation


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Through more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and rising global temperatures, climate change is impacting the health of our communities in many ways [1]. Throughout Public Lab you’ll find tools and resources to research and monitor the effects of climate change. From water quality to air quality to disaster response, the environmental issues that we address on Public Lab can all connect back to climate change. This page is a place for the community to collect and organize resources on community science and climate change.

Sources: 1.

What you can do now:
Join the conversation
  • Ask a question, answer a question, or follow future questions on climate change
  • Post an issue brief that describes your local concern related to climate change
Learn about accessible ways to research climate change See community projects and stories related to climate change Browse resources
What's next:
Next step challenges in climate change and community science

Join the conversation

Questions from the community

Post an Issue Brief

Share a local concern or issue related to climate change and get support from the Public Lab community by writing and posting an Issue Brief. Visit “Write an Issue Brief” to find information on what an issue brief is, see examples, and learn how to write one.

Research climate change

Current methods related to climate change

Here you’ll find a collection of accessible ways to research the effects of climate change, gathered from across Public Lab and beyond.

Water: flooding, drinking water, stormwater

Land change: methods for mapping and imaging

Air: methods for monitoring particulate matter, indoor air

Community organizing: methods for advocacy

Methods published on Public Lab and tagged with climate-change will appear here:

Do you have a tool or method to share? Add it here!

Emerging methods and technologies related to climate change

Here we’ll describe new and developing approaches to researching climate change effects.

Please contribute your ideas here!


Activities on Public Lab that have been tagged with climate-change will appear here

Purpose Category Status Author Time Difficulty Replications
Nothing yet on the topic "climate-change" -- be the first to post something!

Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.

See community projects and stories

Projects related to climate change

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Community stories on climate change

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External resources

Next step challenges

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