Planning page for our poster series
This project is being led by Jeff Warren
The current status is: laying out and revising the map design and talking to printers
- Are we going to mention the LABB in the text? or add any other logos of supporting organizations? Yes!
- add full-resolution original image (using low-res version for now)
- "suggested uses of this data"? -- link to online page
- Can we add an email address that it can get sent to as an alternative to the publiclaboratory page in case there are issues with the upload form?
- Inconcise date reference: ten months since when? In the body of the text, change the writing to include a date in this sentence: We in the Grassroots Mapping community, started as a project at MIT’s Center for Future Civic Media, have spent the last ten months gathering our own data...
- Cyan color matching... talk to printers
- list resolution & background resolution
- add a license: Public domain for the map, CC-BY-SA for the texts
- distribution plan (didn't liz volunteer)? -- libraries...
- "suggested uses of this data"? -- online resource at /outcomes?
- create a email address
- create a subscriptions page at /subscriptions
- set up a place to upload images at /analyze
- (Adam) Overall, I love the map, the idea, and the text, but this text was originally written for a NYTimes OpEd and re-purposed here, right? Although I love it, I think it is bordering on esoteric for the potential map user in the field. It certainly isn't doing any harm there on the map, but if you print it here, you probably can't submit it anywhere else.
Completed Checklist
- Oregon Lithoprint design files (color, etc):
- initial quote: $637.34, 64 cents/map for 1000 -- this will go up with envelopes, folds, paper choices
- Public Domain reference imagery to print at 50% opacity behind our maps:
- This seems to work: and this:
- sources for NAIP imagery:
- USGS maps, imagery, etc: