New Projects
Project Launch Checklist
Seven points from Public Lab on community-based engagement: - have a compelling environmental or health concern driving development or need for dev - fill out our “new idea” form - If you are looking for collaborators, we suggest you post on our “missed connections” wall and: - attempt to create community around tool: - begin with writing to the main mailing list request to gather collaborators - post Research Notes so people can follow along - create a Tool wiki page - create a “PLOTS-MyTool” mailing list
Once you have 20 people on a dedicated mailing list and 3 or more contributors, this is the kind of support we can give
Support for community building: - mentorship sit-down sessions - staff will participate in your mailing lists and list it on our mailing lists page - matchmaking - we help you grow your community Support for Logistics: - assistance with fundraising (IOBY) - commercialization: we can take on tasks of receiving and shipping orders * this comes along with giving % of sales/overhead to us (if they want us to distribute) Together, we can work toward joint funding for: - information design for tutorials, diagrams about tool assembly, video - research supplies - community workshops - software for processing data from the hardware Possible outcome: - endorsement
Long-term: - Fellowship/incubation program (goal was to start in mid-2014) (for people who follow the rules)