New Mexico Hydrogen Sulfide testing planning page
On call 7/9/12: Josh (Durango- San Juan Citizens Alliance), Shannon and Sara (Public Lab), Megan (RISD)
Josh: Would like to start something up based on initial April call. Use of Draeger tubes and strips. Is there lab analysis involved in this?
Hoping to have Draeger tubes (manually read- change color- % markings for ppms) and photostrips- have to be fixed in dark room (capped on site). Doesn't need to be an actual darkroom. Once fixed, take out and see the different colors on them. Data analysis- distribution curve- match Draeger tubes with photo test strip- what the colors are equal to.
Distribution of colors to that of Draeger tubes (ex. 40 strips and 8 tubes- semi quantify the two to each other).
We are testing strips to see how well they work. Goals: can we use combo of test strips and Draeger tubes to get semi-quantifiable reading of H2S source.
First step to find a well that we know emits H2S- pattern of concentric circles, see pattern of wind as it is taken from the source based on color in test strips. Produce a method in which a landowner can find out if well on land is a point source- see how much is emitted from each well- pinpoint which well is at issue
Length of test- this is what we're working on pilot testing. Historically looking at H2S from volcanoes- initially did a test for a week, then for a month (was looking at really low levels)
Josh- we need to have masks.. need to figure out the best kind to have. In longer term- imagination for test is for landowner that is being exposed to H2S (respirators to recommend- industry standard for this protective gear)
Swamp gas as opposed to production gas (comes and goes at the wells- heavy one day and less the next day). Might be interesting to leave it out for a month- what it produced over a long period of time, but wouldn't capture spikes- cumulative analysis
Megan address
73 State Rd 581 Espanola, NM 87532