Public Lab Wiki documentation

New Mexico Hydrogen Sulfide testing planning page

This is a revision from July 09, 2012 18:24. View all revisions
3 | 11 | | #2739

On call 7/9/12: Josh (Durango- San Juan Citizens Alliance), Shannon and Sara (Public Lab), Megan (RISD)

  • Josh: Would like to start something up based on initial April call. Use of Draeger tubes and strips. Is there lab analysis involved in this?

  • Hoping to have Draeger tubes (manually read- change color- % markings for ppms) and photostrips- have to be fixed in dark room (capped on site). Doesn't need to be an actual darkroom. Once fixed, take out and see the different colors on them. Data analysis- distribution curve- match Draeger tubes with photo test strip- what the colors are equal to.

  • Distribution of colors to that of Draeger tubes (ex. 40 strips and 8 tubes- semi quantify the two to each other).

  • We are testing strips to see how well they work. Goals: can we use combo of test strips and Draeger tubes to get semi-quantifiable reading of H2S source.

  • First step to find a well that we know emits H2S- pattern of concentric circles, see pattern of wind as it is taken from the source based on color in test strips. Produce a method in which a landowner can find out if well on land is a point source- see how much is emitted from each well- pinpoint which well is at issue

  • Length of test- this is what we're working on pilot testing. Historically looking at H2S from volcanoes- initially did a test for a week, then for a month (was looking at really low levels)

  • Josh- we need to have masks.. need to figure out the best kind to have. In longer term- imagination for test is for landowner that is being exposed to H2S (respirators to recommend- industry standard for this protective gear)

  • Swamp gas as opposed to production gas (comes and goes at the wells- heavy one day and less the next day). Might be interesting to leave it out for a month- what it produced over a long period of time, but wouldn't capture spikes- cumulative analysis

Megan address

73 State Rd 581 Espanola, NM 87532