MapMill is our tool for sorting imagery produced with balloon mapping.
It takes hours to go through the thousands of images we're capturing from balloons and kites, to pick out the best ones for inclusion in our free and open source maps. Help us by choosing the sharpest, clearest, best images.
Planning & proposed features
- make mapmill able to rename sites -- also in database
- make mapmill able to store links to all formats
- tag sites "gulf coast" etc, and .org/sort/gulf-coast/ should let you sort just that tag
- use AJAX to load a new image
Long-term goals & features
- add a map of the site so you can make a guess where it fits, and possible use of a base map to assess the quality of a particular image
Setting up your own local version of MapMill
- Download the Bitnami RubyStack: link
- Run the installer.
- Go to the main Bitnami folder which was just installed, called "rubystack-2.2-2"
- Download this version of MapMill and unzip it in the "projects" folder inside "rubystack-2.2-2".
- From the commandline:
- go to the main Bitnami folder which was just installed, called "rubystack-2.2-2"
- type ".rubyconsole"
- you're now in the local Bitnami ruby shell
- type "cd projects/mapmill" to get to the mapmill folder
- type "rake db:migrate"
- if it runs with no errors, type "script/server"
- go to "http://localhost:3000" in your web browser