Public Lab Wiki documentation

Hydrogen Sulfide

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Snapshot: This is the organizing page for research related to hydrogen sulfide in Public Lab.

What is hydrogen sulfide, what are its effects, and where is it found?

Hydrogen sulfide, with the chemical formula H2S, is a flammable gas that has a pungent odor at low concentrations and is odorless at higher concentrations. It can be a respiratory irritant and a neurotoxin. For more information about hydrogen sulfide health effects, please see:

Hydrogen sulfide is naturally formed in low-oxygen conditions with sulfate present, such as in organic-rich sediments and thus in petrochemical source rocks. Upon exposure to oxygen, hydrogen sulfide readily oxidizes to sulfur dioxide or sulfate, and generally reacts within hours to days. For information about hydrogen sulfide sources and spatial and temporal variation, please see:

How are hydrogen sulfide emissions and exposures regulated?

In the United States, hydrogen sulfide emissions are only federally regulated to the extent that they contribute to sulfur dioxide formation, and thus acid rain. These emissions are regulated through the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of major stationary sources review and permitting. Exposure to hydrogen sulfide is mostly regulated in terms of occupational exposure, with very few states regulating ambient exposure to this toxin. For detailed information of environmental and occupational hydrogen sulfide regulations, please see:

How can hydrogen sulfide be measured?

Hydrogen sulfide can be measured through a variety of means. While there is no federal regulatory method for hydrogen sulfide, agencies often measure hydrogen sulfide emissions through continuous sampling of gaseous emissions, and measure hydrogen sulfide workplace exposure through air grab samples chemically processed and discerned through gas chromatography. For routine monitoring, there are several hydrogen sulfide passive samplers that utilize color-changing oxidation-reduction reactions. For more information about laboratory, commercially available, and DIY hydrogen sulfide measurement methods, please see:

Approaches to detection

There are three low-cost hydrogen sulfide detection methods currently being explored by Public Lab community members. These include a silver halide photo paper method, a copper rod method, and an anodic stripping voltammetry method.


Title Author Updated Likes Comments
What are health and environmental concerns for sewage smell in a home? @stevie about 3 years ago 3
Is there more information on the "Corrosion Coupon" hydrogen sulfide test kit? @warren about 7 years ago 0
What lab tests are available for hydrogen sulfide, and how much do they cost? @warren about 7 years ago 4
What are different commercially available hydrogen sulfide detection methods? @warren about 7 years ago 3
Does your state have air quality standards for hydrogen sulfide? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 0
Are there occupational exposure rules limiting exposure to hydrogen sulfide? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 1
Are there air quality standards for hydrogen sulfide? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 1
How to select a site for hydrogen sulfide testing? @warren about 7 years ago 3
How can we safely try out and evaluate a hydrogen sulfide test? @warren about 7 years ago 4
What's the best setup for a copper rod or copper plate test for DIY hydrogen sulfide detection? @warren about 7 years ago 6
Can we determine hydrogen sulfide concentration, or a threshold presence/absence using the copper pipe method? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 0
What is the hydrogen sulfide concentration range that can be monitored using a copper tarnish method? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 1
Effective low-cost water filters to remove hydrogen sulfide? @gretchengehrke over 7 years ago 2
What methods are available for doing air grab samples for hydrogen sulfide? @stevie over 7 years ago 2
What are the relative rates of hydrogen sulfide oxidation in ambient air? @gretchengehrke over 7 years ago 1

Recent updates

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
What are health and environmental concerns for sewage smell in a home? @stevie about 3 years ago 3
[Talk Recording] Mobilizing People to Act on Air Pollution with the Bucket Air Monitor - a Community Science Tool @amocorro over 3 years ago 1
Response to Alternative Copper Sheet Preparation Method on Public Lab @ErikHanley11 almost 7 years ago 0
Qualitative Time Lapse of Copper Corrosion @ErikHanley11 almost 7 years ago 4
Two Rounds of Copper Rod Test Making @ErikHanley11 almost 7 years ago 3
Copper Strip Test Preparation Using Solvents @ErikHanley11 almost 7 years ago 1
Copper Rod to Copper Sheet Discussion @ErikHanley11 almost 7 years ago 0
Can Bio-char products absorb CAFO gases like Hydrogen Sulfide or Ammonia? @zengirl2 almost 7 years ago 3
Is there more information on the "Corrosion Coupon" hydrogen sulfide test kit? @warren about 7 years ago 0
What lab tests are available for hydrogen sulfide, and how much do they cost? @warren about 7 years ago 4
How to Help Citizens Affected by Factory Farming? #waterquality #airquality #CAFO #factoryfarms @zengirl2 about 7 years ago 0
What are some options for copper materials to make a copper plate test kit? @warren about 7 years ago 3
Help collect environmental sensors + probes on a shared list @warren about 7 years ago 0
What are different commercially available hydrogen sulfide detection methods? @warren about 7 years ago 3
Can you use rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover for prepping copper for Hydrogen Sulfide test? @zengirl2 about 7 years ago 16
How to select a site for hydrogen sulfide testing? @warren about 7 years ago 3
How can we safely try out and evaluate a hydrogen sulfide test? @warren about 7 years ago 4
Training in odor identification? @sara about 7 years ago 1
What's the best setup for a copper rod or copper plate test for DIY hydrogen sulfide detection? @warren about 7 years ago 6
Can copper sulfide and copper oxide products be precisely visually identified? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 5
How quickly do copper sulfide and copper oxide form under different environmental conditions? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 0
What is the hydrogen sulfide concentration range that can be monitored using a copper tarnish method? @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 1
Copper Sheet Hydrogen Sulfide Detection Activity @gretchengehrke about 7 years ago 14
Effective low-cost water filters to remove hydrogen sulfide? @gretchengehrke over 7 years ago 2

Related pages

See other related wiki pages here


These activities are to guide you to test out hydrogen sulfide detection methods or use these tools in the field:

Activities should include a materials list, costs and a step-by-step guide to construction with photos. Learn what makes a good activity here.

Where can I find more information?

Two particularly good resources are listed below. Other hydrogen sulfide wiki pages (mentioned above) include additional relevant resources.

  1. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. 2016. Hydrogen Sulfide Fact Sheet.

  2. National Research Council. 2010. Acute Exposure Guidelines.