Funding sources for science teachers
What I am trying to do
This wiki page is intended to be a place where science teachers can find resources and advice when looking for money to fund stuff like new instruments, probeware, balloon mapping essentials, soft-serve ice creme machines and other scientific essentials. I had hoped that I would somehow get my act together and organize some of the stuff here before putting it online, but that is clearly never coming to pass. Instead, I am now going to put what I have online and anyone interested can get in and help clean it up, add some organization, delete things that are out of date (I understand that the Enron Foundation is no longer accepting applications) and add relevant information.
Advice for writing grant proposals:
Step 1: Figure out what you want to do (this is generally the hard part and I don't think I can help here). Step 2: Figure out what it will cost to do what you want to do. DO NOT give low-ball estimates of costs. If you need to buy out teaching time, find out what that costs and include it in your budget. DO NOT inflate your costs. Step 3: Talk to people in your organization about the project. If your administration does not support your project, then you will not be able to proceed. Step 4: Identify funding agencies with an interest in what you want to do. In addition to the agencies listed below, look into industries that have a major presence in your state. They will frequently have foundations that support education in the locations where they have a presence. Always go to the web site for the granting agency you are interested in and determine if what you want to do fits with their mission. Each grant program will have a web page that describes the mission, scope, and requirements of the grant. Once you read that material carefully (ie, you are not wasting the time of the people at the agency with questions that are obviously answered on the web page) call the funding agency and speak with a grants officer about the project you wish to pursue. That person was hired to help the agency allocate funds to achieve the agency's goals. If your project is not aligned with the goals of the agency, the grants officer will keep you from wasting your time. If your goals are the same as those of the agency, the program officer will help you get the money you need to achieve your common goals. Your program officer is your friend. You want a good working relationship with that person (it is that simple). Step 5: Write the first draft of your grant proposal. This should be a profanity laden stream-of-conscious rant. Logic is optional at this stage. Anger is your friend. Step 6: Refine your proposal. Remove profanity, add necessary organization, group similar thoughts, remove redundancies. Evaluate the logic of your arguments. Plug holes in your logic with stream-of-conscous ranting. Step 7: Go back through Step 6. Continue refining until you have a well-crafted document that explains your goals, why they are important, what your current resources are, how you are qualified to carry out the work, what other resources you will need to achieve your goals and basically how you are going to do what you want to do. Step 8: Get a friend to do a critical evaluation of your proposal. Step 9: Call your "friend" while drunk and crying, scream at at the top of your lungs how they could never do as well. Step 9: Apologize to friend and go back to step 6.
General resources for helping you write your proposal
Vernier Instruments has some nice resources for teachers to write grants. They have a white-paper that draws together research papers that document the education benefits of using probeware. You can request a copy from this site. They also have a concise guide that will help you get started. It can be found here.
Foundations that support STEM education
Agency: American Honda Foundation
Program: Grants for Youth Education and STEM Description: The American Honda Foundation engages in grant making that reflects the basic tenets, beliefs and philosophies of Honda companies, which are characterized by the following qualities: imaginative, creative, youthful, forward-thinking, scientific, humanistic and innovative. We support youth education with a specific focus on the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects in addition to the environment. Award Amount: $20,000 - 75,000 Website: Eligibility: Nonprofit charitable organizations classified as a 501(c) (3) public charity by the Internal Revenue Service, or a public school district, private/public elementary and secondary schools as listed by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). To be considered for funding organizations MUST have two years of audited financial statements examined by an independent CPA for the purpose of expressing an opinion if gross revenue is $500,000 or more. If gross revenue is less than $500,000, and the organization does not have audits, it may submit two years of financial statements accompanied by an independent CPA’s review report instead.
Agency: Lowe's
Program: Toolbox for Education grant Description: Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Grant Program is dedicated to helping parent-teacher groups achieve more for their schools. Up to $5,000 will be given to K-12 public schools or parent groups (with 501c(3) status) to achieve project goals. Award Amount: $5,000 Website: Eligibility: Any individual public K-12 school or non-profit parent group associated with that public K-12 school. Parent groups that are applying (PTO, PTA, etc.) must have an independent EIN and official 501c(3) status from the IRS. If your group does not have 501c(3) status, please apply through your school. Pre-schools are not eligible.
Agency: Vernier Instruments
Program 1:Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards. You can apply for one of seven $5,500 awards. Program 2: Vernier/NABT Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award. Vernier’s sponsorship of this award includes $1000 toward travel to the national convention and $500 of Vernier equipment. The nomination deadline is March 15th of each year. Program 3: Vernier Engineering Contest. This contest recognizes creative teaching using Vernier sensors to introduce engineering concepts or engineering practices. Program 4: Professor Chan Two-Year College Award for the Engaged Teaching of Biology. This award will be given to a two-year college faculty member who has successfully developed and demonstrated an innovative, hands-on approach in the teaching of biology and has carried their commitment to the community. Website: Each of these programs can be accessed from here.
Agency: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Program: Program Grants Description: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants on six broad subject matters, known within the Foundation as major program areas: Basic Research; STEM Higher Education; Public Understanding of Science; Economic Performance and Quality of Life; Select National Issues; and Civic Initiatives. Award Amount: Varies; guidelines vary if amount requested is greater than $125,000 Website: Eligibility: Institutes of higher education; nonprofits
Agency: Dominion Educational Partnership
Program: Dominion Educational Partnership Grants Description: Dominion accepts grant applications (up to $10,000) to encourage the development of new programs to strengthen math and science education in kindergarten through grade 12. Award Amount: up to $10,000 Website: Eligibility: Public schools, private schools and higher education in any state
Agency: Toshiba America Foundation
Program: 7-12 Math and Science Grants Description: The mission of Toshiba America Foundation is to promote quality science and mathematics education in U.S. schools. Grants are made for programs and activities that improve teaching and learning in science and mathematics, grades K-12. The Foundation focuses its grant making on inquiry-based projects designed by individual teachers, and small teams of teachers, for use in their own classrooms. Award Amount: $9,500 – 17,000 Website: Eligibility: Public and private schools in all states
Agency: ACS-Hach
Program: High School Chemistry Grants Description: Since 2008, over 600 high school chemistry teachers received ACS-Hach High School Chemistry Grants to support ideas that enhance classroom learning, foster student development, and reveal the wonders of chemistry. We typically offer grants for laboratory equipment and supplies, instructional materials, professional development, field studies and science outreach events. Award Amount: up to $1,500 Website: Eligibility: High school chemistry educators teaching in a U.S. or U.S. territory school
Agency: The Amgen Foundation
Amgen Foundation: Grant guidelines: The Amgen Foundation, Inc. will consider grant requests from nonprofit organizations that are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax exempt public charities under sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1), (2), (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in the United States and Puerto Rico. In addition, the Amgen Foundation will consider requests for funding from governmental organizations located in the United States where the purpose of the grant is to support a charitable, educational, scientific or literary purpose. Thus, eligible grantees may include public elementary and secondary schools, as well as public colleges and universities, public libraries and public hospitals. Successful requests will fall within both the current eligibility guidelines and funding priority areas established by the Amgen Foundation. The Amgen Foundation has established grantmaking partnerships with qualified intermediary partners to manage donations to organizations chartered in Europe.
From Pearson:
The list of potential funding sources below was compiled by Pearson Higher Ed in 2008. I just copied it from their website.
Agency: 3M
Grants to help students prepare for future opportunities in an ever-changing world. To advance teaching and learning in science, engineering and business. To increase participation by underrepresented people in these fields. CommunityAffairs/CommunityGiving/US/HigherEduc/
Agency: Abbot Laboratories
The Abbott Fund supports new approaches to learning that are designed to foster a better understanding of science and medical innovation and the value they bring to improving human health. Our partnerships support K-12 education through postgraduate level research including funding and volunteer assistance for student and educator workshops and programs; career development; and educational grants for college and university science facilities, scholarships and fellowships.
Agency: American Association of University Women Educational Foundation
The AAUW Educational Foundation provides funds to advance education, research, and self-development for women and to foster equity and positive societal change. 1111 Sixteenth St. N.W. Washington, DC 20036. (202) 728-7602.
Agency: American Honda Foundation
Grants are provided in the fields of youth education and science education that directly benefit the people of the United States. Grants range from $10,000 to $100,000. P.O. Box 2205, Torrance, CA 90509-2205. (310) 781-4090.
Agency: Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
Provides grants and awards to encourage women to study and have active careers in the mathematical sciences. 11240 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200, Fairfax, VA 22030. (703) 934-0163.
Agency: AT&T Foundation
Focus on high school success and workforce readiness initiatives that create opportunities, make connections and address community needs. (800) 591-9663.
Agency: Barnard/Fain Foundation
Grants are awarded to tax-exempt organizations engaged in exploring new approaches and programs in education, particularly in the sciences. Awards range from $5,000 to $20,000. 0152 Buchanan Drive, Aspen, CO 81611.
Agency: The Bayer Foundation
Bayer focuses grants on science education at the local, state and national levels, particularly to support science literacy initiatives.
Agency: The Coca-Cola Foundation, Inc.
The Foundation offers support to public and private colleges and universities, elementary and secondary schools, teacher-training programs, educational programs for minority students, and global educational programs. Grants vary in amount. The Foundation has contributed more than $155 million in support of education. One Coca-Cola Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30313. (404) 676-2568.
Agency: Consortium of College and University Media Centers
Research awards for the development of new knowledge and practices that will lead to the increased accessibility to and utilization of educational media, equipment, or technology. Grants are up to $2,000. Membership to CCUMC required. 601 E. Kirkwood Avenue, Franklin Hall 0009, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405-1223. (812) 855-6049.
Agency: E.L. Cord Foundation
Grants are given in three broad areas: education, social services, and the arts. Types of support include equipment acquisition, research, and scholarships. Grants are awarded nationwide, with special preference given to requests from northern Nevada. The amount of grants range from $10,000 to $100,000. 1 East First St., Reno, NV 89501. (775) 323-0373.
Agency: Wallace H. Coulter Foundation
The foundation awards grants to support research and education in the fields of engineering, medicine and science. Grants average from $150,000 to $1,600,000. 790 NW 107th Ave., Suite 215, Miami, FL 33172. (305) 559-2991.
Agency: DuPont Corporation
Education grants support higher, secondary, and elementary school education; scientific research; physical sciences; life and health sciences; engineering; and business. DuPont Center for Collaborative Research and Education, P.O. Box 80030/1370, Wilmington, DE 19880-0030.
Agency: Educause National Learning Infrastructure Initiative Fellowships
This program supports two half-time one-year fellowships targeted toward faculty and teaching and learning support staff at institutions of higher education. Fellows gain a broad-perspective on the role of technology in transforming teaching and learning. NLII Fellowships, Educause, 1150 18th St. NW, Suite 1010, Washington, DC 20036. (202) 872-4200.
Agency: Ford Motor Company Fund
Education grants awarded to programs that strengthen the employee/school relationship; enhance enrichment programs; support math, science, and engineering; and encourage research that benefits the economy. Grants are not made to private schools. P.O. Box 1899, Dearborn, MI 48121-1899. (313) 248-4745.
Agency: Goodrich Corporation Foundation
In the area of education, the foundation makes charitable grants to mathematics, science, and engineering in higher education, elementary/secondary education, and adult education programs/welfare-to-work training. Four Coliseum Centre, 2730 West Tyvola Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217-4578. (704) 423-7000.,1136,59,00.html
Agency: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Funds science curriculum development, participation of undergraduates in research, enhancement of faculty, and encouragement of students to pursue careers in science. Projects should encourage interaction between scientists and students through a variety of channels. Grants range from $500,000 to $2,000,000 for four years, but your institution must have a strong record of preparing students for medical school or research careers. Awards made through competitions. 4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6789. (301) 215-8870.
Agency: The Motorola Foundation
The Motorola Foundation focuses its funding on education programs that support math and science teacher-training programs and charitable organizations that excite young people about these subjects. In 2007, the Motorola Foundation introduced Innovation Generation Grants to push the agenda for math and science education in the United States. Motorola Foundation, 1303 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, IL 60196.
Agency: National Science Teachers Association
Awards are for innovations which have the potential to improve science teaching at the elementary, secondary, middle level and college levels. One $3,000 grant is given annually in the K—college category. 1840 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201. (703) 243-7100.
Agency: NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Supports collaborative, innovative ideas that lead to student achievement of high standards and professional development that addresses specific student learning needs. Open to practicing public school classroom teachers and support personnel, and faculty and staff of public higher education institutions. Grants range from $2,000 (individual) to $5,000 (group). 1201 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036. (202) 822-7840.
Agency: Pew Charitable Trusts
A broad array of topics, but includes health education and college science and math education. Average award is $300,000. 2005 Market St, Suite 1700, Philadelphia, PA 19103-7077. (215) 575-4816.
Agency: Research Corporation
Awards several grants in the area of undergraduate science teaching and research. 4703 E Camp Lowell Drive, Suite 201, Tucson, AZ 85712. (520) 571-1111.
Agency: RGK Foundation
Funds innovative projects in education, community affairs and medicine. Emphasis on programs that promote academic excellence in institutions of higher learning and programs that attract minority and female students to science. 1301 W. 25th St., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78705.
Agency: The Roche Foundation
Grants for math and science education (K—12th grade), health education and health promotion. Contributions are made in communities where Roche has a significant presence, particularly in New Jersey. (877) 888-0389.
Agency: Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Grants Program
Links and information related to undergraduate education reform.
Agency: Sloan Research Fellowships
These awards are intended to enhance the careers of the very best young faculty members in specified fields of science. Currently a total of 112 fellowships are awarded annually in seven fields: chemistry, computational and evolutionary molecular biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, and physics. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2550, New York, NY 10111. (212) 649-1649.
Agency: The Spencer Foundation
Supports research that gives promise of yielding new knowledge leading to the improvement of education. Areas of interest include science, social sciences, and humanities. Grant applicants must have a PhD in an academic discipline or in the field of education. Grants range from $1,000 to $500,000. 625 North Michigan Ave., Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60611. (312) 337-7000.
Agency: Toshiba America Foundation
Provides grants to improve science and math education at the pre-college level. 150 to 175 grants are awarded annually. Grants range up to $1,000. 1251 Avenue of the Americas, 41st Floor, New York, NY 10020. (212) 596-0620.
Agency: Xerox Foundation
Funds the general area of higher education, plus applications of computers in improving learning. P.O. Box 1600, Stamford, CT 06904. (203) 968-3445. - See more at: