Makerbot machine logs
The status of Public Lab's 10 MakerBot Replicators.
- Public Lab office #1, Propeller Workspace, 4035 Washington Ave, New Orleans, LA
- Contact: Stevie Lewis stevie at publiclab dot org
- SN 11760 on loan to Sean McGinnis
- Not currently operational, issues with thermocouples
- Build hours:
- Projects:
- Maintenance:
- The 5 volt power upgrade has been performed.
- Not the delrin plunger drive mechanism
- 2/23/16 - Replaced a damaged DC/DC Converter
- Public Lab office #2, Propeller Workspace, 4035 Washington Ave, New Orleans, LA
- Contact: Stevie Lewis stevie at publiclab dot org
- SN: 11833 (Brooklyn)
- Loan log
- out 03/02/2015 to Dan Henry dhenrydc at gmail dot com
- Loan log
- Board: MightyBoard Rev E (ATMega 1280 14/10/24)
- F/W: Sailfish v7.7 r01432
- Settings (confirmed via ReplicatorG 0040):
- z home offset (mm): 0
- x toolhead offset (mm): -0.235
- y toolhead offset (mm): 0
- Build hours on 03/08/2015: 168 hours
- Build hours on 11/20/2016: 203 hours
- Projects:
- Demonstrations at New Orleans public libraries for Teen Tech Week 2015
- Maintenance:
- The 5 volt power upgrade has been performed.
- Not the delrin plunger drive mechanism.
- Upgraded firmware to Sailfish v7.7
- Makerspace, Mobile, Alabama
- Contact: Stevie Lewis
- SN 9353 operational
- Build hours: 293 as of Oct 3, 2015
- Projects:
- Demonstrations during maker events
- Printing parts for members and guests on open house nights
- Maintenance:
- The 5 volt power upgrade has been performed.
- Not the delrin plunger drive mechanism.
- Power brick failed March 2015. Replaced with a new one.
- Power connector to heated bed was damaged/melted. Replaced.
- Laser cut acrylic panels for sides and front doors with printed hinges.
- Picayune, MS
- Contact: Dan Beavers: danbeavers at organizers dot publiclab dot org
- SN 000J
- S/W version: Sailfish Replicator1 v 7.6
- Build hours: 135 as of mid Feb 2015
- Projects:
- Demonstrations at the Picayune library the first Thursday of the month.
- Printing miscellaneous parts for local FIRST robotics team number 1421.
- Maintenance:
- Arrived with both extruders upgraded to the spring loaded roller type (no delrin plungers).
- Left extruder inoperable due to cable break is now fixed.
- The 5 volt power upgrade has been performed.
- Front panel controls tilted.
- Not the delrin plunger drive mechanism.
- Geography Department, University of Kentucky
- Contact: Jessi Breen
- SN______ not operational
- Build hours:
- Projects:
- Maintenance:
- Public Lab office, Pfizer building, 630 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
- Contact: Liz Barry
- Operational
- Build hours:
- Projects:
- smart phone specs.
- Maintenance: overall upgrade on Feb 4, 2015 by Aaron who runs Parsons 3d print lab.
- note: there are three other models of 3d printers in this space
- Parts and Crafts, Sommerville, MA
- Contact Katie and Will
- SN_____
- Build hours:
- Projects:
- Maintenance:
- Hackrfarm/University of Massachusetts
- Contact: Ian Walls
- SN_______
- Build hours:
- Projects:
- Maintenance:
LEAFFEST HQ, Salisbury, VT
- Contact: Chris Fastie whose gmail is cfastie
- SN 11837
- Build hours:
- Initial build hours 12/2013: 11
- build hours on 02/07/2014: 245
- build hours on 08/18/2014: 640
- build hours on 01/01/2015: 1000
- build hours on 02/08/2015: 1200
- build hours on 06/20/2015: 1905
- build hours on 01/06/2016: 2300
- build hours on 06/25/2017: 3103
- build hours on 03/23/2018: 3503
- build hours on 11/13/2019: 4050
- Prototyping camera rigs for aerial mapping
- Experimenting with producing camera rigs for broad distribution
- Prototyping spectrometer
- tightened all hex bolts holding plywood frame together 12/2014
- upgraded firmware to Makerbot v. 7.5
- broken fan replaced 12/24/2013
- new nozzles installed 01/04/2014
- 24v/5v regulator replaced 01/17/2014
- Removed left nozzle so it could not keep knocking over my prints. 01/20/2014
- Filament feed mechanism upgraded (all prints were failing) (MakerBot replacement parts for right extruder) 02/06/2014
- Filament feed mechanism for left extruder printed and installed with MakerBot hardware 04/2014
- Printed feet, spool holders, and LCD/keypad cover
- lubricated noisy fan in motherboard compartment with SuperLube 06/2014
- Replaced x-axis motor cable (all prints were failing) 08/18/2014
- x-axis idler pulley is lubricated every week with SuperLube.
- Installed new ball bearing x-axis idler pulley from Alm Gear ($18). 01/20/2015
- Tightened all belts. 01/20/2015
- Tightened all hex bolts holding plywood frame together. They were all loose again after 1000 hours of printing. 01/21/2015
- Tightened both grub screws on all six pulleys. They all tightened, but I noticed no difference in performance. 01/29/2015
- Removed the fan from the motherboard compartment. It is not needed for cooling (long story) and just makes noise. 02/11/2015
- Replaced failed Alm Gear x-axis idler pulley with new one. Lubricated with silicone lube with PTFE. 3/5/2015
- Installed Home Zillions Z arm stiffeners. 3/5/2015
- Replaced spring in filament feed mechanism (McMaster Carr part, 94125K612) 11/20/2015
- Tightened all hex bolts holding plywood frame together. They were all loose again after another 1000 hours of printing. 12/21/2015
- Started printing on a glass plate (window glass) held onto the aluminum heated build plate with binder clips. Glass is sprayed with Aquanet Super Extra Hold before each print. By far the best solution i have tried. 12/21/2015
- Replaced the second Alm Gear x-axis idler pulley (which failed quickly after 1600 hours of use) with the original OEM plastic pulley (Al no longer makes his pulleys). 06/21/2017
- Tightened all hex bolts holding plywood frame together. They were all loose again after another 1000 hours of printing. 06/25/2017
- Reformatted all the 2GB SD cards I use because the printer was corrupting them (not sure what the problem was but the SD card reader might be failing). 06/25/2017
- Replaced the OEM plastic x-axis idler pulley with an aluminum (ball-bearing) pulley from eBay which was too big and required taking the Dremel to the motor mount so the motor was 2mm closer to the idler pulley (the belt length is fixed). 02/20/2018
- Replaced the MEAN WELL GS220A24-R7B power supply that came with the printer with a MEAN WELL GST220A24-R7B. This seems to be a newer more efficient version. The LEDs in the build chamber had been wavering for a couple of months, and then a few prints failed when the printer suddenly lost power (and the LED on the power supply went out). 11/11/2019
- Public Lab retail fulfillment center, Portland, OR
- Contact: Mathew Lippincott
- SN 12328
- Build hours:
- Projects:
- Maintenance:
- 24v/5v regulator replaced 3/14
- spool holders replaced
- indicator LEDs disconnected to prevent voltage damage to board by motors.