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straylight "thanks ygzstc, that makes sense. I think that the approximation that relative intensity measured from the scope can be used in place of the log rel..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
straylight "Thanks for the question. My apologies that all of the graphs appear to have vanished (they have for me). Not sure why, maybe a hosting issue. Anyw..." | Read more » over 8 years ago
straylight "Good points and I understand how you feel, coming at his from a chemistry teachers viewpoint myself. I guess it depends on what experiments and dem..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
straylight "In spectral workbench, when you are looking at a spectra, there is an option to export and save the data in a variety of formats, including xml and..." | Read more » over 9 years ago
straylight "Thanks for the question ichinarayan, I exported the spectra in csv form into microsoft excel. From there I selected the wavelengths I wanted to st..." | Read more » almost 10 years ago
straylight "thanks Brian, if you cut a big hole in the side of the bottle and pass the bunsen in through that. Then feed the gas hose in through a smaller hol..." | Read more » over 11 years ago
straylight "I should add, we have done this experiment using the old turntable spectroscopes using the flame thrower apparatus with good results. We used a pro..." | Read more » almost 12 years ago
straylight " "I can add a "use recent calibration" checkbox to the image upload form to streamline this if it's interesting to you." yes, that would be great...." | Read more » almost 12 years ago
straylight "can some kind person explain how to put images inline and how to embed the youtube vid, ta ! stu " | Read more » almost 12 years ago